Hang with Your Friends
Taylor Majewski

Twenty — Hang out with friends in real life

Use Twenty to:
*See where your friends are on the map
*Create a Hangout to make plans for now or later
*Invite your friends and see who’s down
*Find things to do wherever you are (concerts, happy hours, sporting events, restaurants and more)

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Chris Messina
Top Hunter
This problem should be added to design programs as an introduction to designing social products... it's tried so often and these apps never take off. The market dynamics just never work out.
Francis Tito Agravante Cajalne
@chrismessina Hey, I'm just curious, but what do you mean? Are you specifically referring to location-based apps?
Zack Russ
@chrismessina Probably requires better implementation, a different approach. It would be dumb to think it couldn't. This is already happening organically, all. the. time. It's an opportunity waiting for someone to figure it out.
Jordan Huff
@chrismessina @robert_unyx I agree. I am actually working on a location based app myself because there hasn't been an app yet to really crack the code for a truly experience only social platform. My platform will allow users to create, discover, and connect real time user generated experiences within a 3 to 100 mile radius of their location. Check out our website , I would love to hear your feedback!
Can someone explain to me the marketing behind Twenty? If the app is friends-only, then IMO, the app is low value-added for first users to download the app in their group. And it would be extremely tough to market it with regular advertising tools (such as Facebook Ads). What do you think?
Also, are there any similar apps that are facing the same marketing issue?
Saleem Malkana
Pretty wild to see the same features as Swarm 6+ years later: see where your friends are, make/suggest plans to meet up, location discovery (OK that's closer to Foursquare 11 but now we're talking 8+ years ago. Bridging the gap to real world experiences is a legitimate thing to make an app for.