@billychia does it support Hong Kong? For push notification I also know that GCM is a bit spotty for China manufactured mobile phones like Xiaomi, have you guys done testing for push notifications on android ?
@chrisyeung1121 Hi Christopher, we know GCM is not the best in China. We are actively developing on WeChat as a notification channel to engage that market.
@billychia I've been looking at implementing sms, push and/or messenger integration for delivery notifications for my ecommerce site. Having them all under a single API would be awesome. Will it support web push as well? When will general availability be?
@boogsau SMS, push, and messaging apps are our first channels of integration, and we will continue to add additional channels. Web push has been highly requested feature. Send me a DM on Twitter and I can enable early access for your Twilio account. I'd love to get your feedback on what you'd like web push integration to look like. We are targeting a publicly available beta later this year with GA in 2017.
Right now we're simply using email & SMS notifications through Twilio. Fb M & push through our web app would be cool. Would love to test via early access
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