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This Week in Startups - 127: Ian Rogers CEO and Founder of TopSpin Media - For all Winamp lovers out there!

TopSpin Media CEO and founder Ian Rogers discusses the death and rebirth of the music industry, Winamp, how he began working with the Beastie Boys after illegally pirating one of their LIVE concerts, and why he has a tattoo of the logo of Steve Jobs first computer company on his leg.

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Harry Stebbings
I could listen to @jason for hours! His episode with Bryan Johnson the other day! Genius! Talking about everything from payments to nuclear weapons, so fascinating! Love it as always Jason!
@harrystebbings thanks harry... you made my day!
dimitar inchev
One of the most interesting This Week in Startups show I have listened to date! Not to dismiss anything else, just the storytelling element and the 90s nostalgia in this one excels.
Harry Stebbings
@jason very glad to hear it! I actually just had @bryan_johnson on The Twenty Minute VC and in the episode we were both praising you for the amazing style you have! I hope one day to possess the same incredible interview skills you do! Forever my mentor and idol! Love it @jason