Matti Heubner

New Twitter Apps - All new design for Twitter's mobile apps


Last year, we told you exactly who we are (Twitter is what’s happening!) and refreshed our brand. Today, with lots of feedback and ideas from you, we’re refreshing our product too and making it feel lighter, faster, and easier to use.

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Maksim Petriv
Seems like even updating to new app version doesn't switch to new UI. A/B Testing or forgot to flip the switch?
Ben Guild
@talkaboutdesign yeah I downloaded it as well and it's still the old one. I'm wondering if it has to do with locale
@talkaboutdesign Same thing here, updated and opened the app and still no change!
Andy Piper
@tnsrig @talkaboutdesign it will roll out over the next few hours - patience! :-)
Bruno Lemos
@andypiper it's weird because the update description is about the new UI and v7.0. EDIT: Got it!
Ryan Hoover
The new design feels cleaner. Perhaps the greatest addition: "Links to articles and websites now open in Safari’s viewer in the Twitter app so you can easily access accounts on websites you’re already signed into.*" Note that they moved the profile button to the top left, leaving 4 main navigation buttons at the bottom and room for one more. What might they add? I'd bet on a "TV" button. 🤔
Wilhem Pujar
@rrhoover I'd bet on a rocket icon.
Dan Matthews
@rrhoover thank god! The "whoops you're out of free articles" is one of the worst notifications.
Alex Bauer
@rrhoover unfortunately that benefit is about to disappear in iOS 11...I wrote about it a bit here:
Robert K.
Still no editing tweets.
@sdw @itisrobertk Design changes can't have new functionality? That's new.
@itisrobertk Talked to someone on Twitter about this and he's completely against this change. It's what makes Twitter unique as a historical record. Might have a point.
Adam Pokornicky
Much cleaner feel. I like it. For me, I know everyone has different things they wish twitter would improve but I use "Lists" aggressively to have clean feeds and follow different topics. It seems like they addressed it by making lists easier to access from side nav but seems like the easier UX tweek would be to have a dropdown for lists from the bird at the top of our feed. One button to move between lists/feeds.
Jeremy Bauer
@callmethebear I'm also a huge Lists user. I'm really glad they've made getting to Lists easier, but I would like Lists to have its own icon in the main app view. Or for a long press on the Home icon to bring up the Lists menu. I feel like it kind of makes sense since Lists are like alternate, customized Home feeds.
Ghost Kitty
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Matti Heubner
"Last year, we told you exactly who we are (Twitter is what’s happening!) and refreshed our brand. Today, with lots of feedback and ideas from you, we’re refreshing our product too and making it feel lighter, faster, and easier to use. We listened closely and kept what you love. And for the things you didn’t, we took a new approach to fix and make better." Can´t wait to try it out!
Not the fan of side menu really. It works but I always have a feeling that it is the easiest solution to UI clutter. There is always a better way but they went for this too. It's a hamburger-less hamburger-menu. 🤷🏻‍♂️ But overall, it's way smoother and friendlier than the old version. 👍🏼
Kevin Siskar
Few words bring me as much joy as the words "New Twitter" 🙌
Chad Whitaker
Shouldn't the title be "New New New New Twitter"? 😋
Dimitrios Tragas
Great! I'm excited. It's been too long. :)
Viktor Nyics
Hm. It was about time. 😎🤣
Hayden Evans
Somewhat of an improvement, has a long way to go to convince me to switch from Tweetbot though.
The UI on the Apps is a nice refreshment. The desktop website however, is seriously lacking. It feels rougher than before and seriously unfinished.
Tayler O'Dea
PA POW and there Twitter is all grown up!
Daniel Kaplan
So, I like a nice looking design update as much as the next person, but how does this deal in any way with Twitter's underlying structural issues? Does the leadership think user and revenue growth have stalled because of the apps had an outdated typeface and square avatars? I love Twitter. I really want it to be successful. But some well considered UI and UX tweaks seen a bit like rearranging Herman Miller chairs in the tech office equivalent of the Titanic.
Lenny Hu
@dankaplan yup. it's a new coat of paint for the bike shed
Miles Matthias
I don't understand how a few small design tweaks is helping Twitter become profitable. And seeing it celebrated is frustrating to see as a company shareholder.
And still no option to switch to chronological feed...sigh..
James U
I'm getting the same issue of an update in iOS but not seeing the new UI. Is it good?
i'll be sticking with Tweetbot for now, but the new Twitter app does seem like a step in the right direction to me
Brad Brooks
Yeah, I'm not seeing this yet either. I'm in the UK. Can I just say I *hate* phased rollouts? I know why they're done but that doesn't make them suck any less.