This. If paying a subscription means I can use Twitter without ads, then I’m interested. If I have to pay AND still endure advertising then it’s a hard pass…
@adityavsc Reddit had reddit Gold since years, Linkedin premium since like ever. I don't see how this changes much to social media in general. But it could be awesome for Twitter.
I'm in Canada, so I signed up:
Honestly, I'm underwhelmed.
1. None of these features are available on the desktop web version of Twitter (which is what I use the most)
2. I would love to use bookmark folders, but (again) they're not available on the web? (Which makes them not that useful). Also: THEY'RE NOT SEARCHABLE?
3. The "undo" feature is basically a "pause after tweet" tool. There's a little timer that counts down until your tweet goes live. Feels like it's sort of useful (for proofreading) but not terribly exciting.
*Here's what I would pay for in Twitter Blue:*
1. No ads
2. Better analytics + suggestions: "Tweet more like this..."
3. The ability to post longer videos
4. Better bookmarking (ability to search my bookmarks)
@kempes76 If it works anything like Gmail Undo, it's simply a delay in submission. I don't think it will immediately post it and then undo/delete the post.
@_jacksmith@kempes76 I think you are missing the point. Undo just means that it’s not actually live for 30s. If they undo it, it was never live, no one could have viewed it.
@gabe__perez I will subscribe because I think it will make Twitter better when they are less dependent on Ad income. "Undo" sounds like a feature I will seldomly use. Adding a 30 seconds delay to conversations or commenting of live events doesn't sound appealing to me.
I think we all need to stand against these Tech Giants who are censoring so much on the internet and support new independent platforms. I created a twitter account more than 10 years ago and never used it since
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