Gabe Perez

Twitter Fleets - Stories for Twitter

Fleets help share momentary thoughts or capture fleeting moments and only stick around for 24hrs, don’t get Retweets, Likes, or public replies-- people can only react to your Fleets with DMs.

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jessica zhou (周)
fleeEEEeeeTsssS! excited to see this finally out in the world :)
Ryan Hoover
I'm into this
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Curious if this will shrink the amount of tweets generated, since IG Stories has caused a precipitous decline in the number of conventional photos I share to that platform..
Evan Madow
Nancy Myrland
When can I start using Fleets?
Andy Nystrom
My timeline is on fleet today @kayvz congrats
Gabe Perez
Interested to see how the Twittersphere will use this, I'm looking forward/hoping to see interactions being a bit different than Instastories
Taylor Crane
When will this be available on the web?
Abdullahi Ahmed
Lydia Sugarman
If only this had been released last month! Twitter suspended my account Oct. 6 and it shows no sign of being returned. 14 1/2 years old, 10K followers -> gone.
🌀Praveen Yalamanchi
Let’s all use the hashtag #Flocks when making group #TwitterFleets with friends? #producthunt @phsofla #maker
When is it available?
Sam Poullain
Looking forward to finally trying this!
Al Khan
Hey @kayvz, can you verify our company twitter ?
Sanjith Kanagavel
Love this!
Andrew Voirol
Well, you had a good run...