Dahae Lee

Typed - For documentation writing with resource management


It's a one-stop tool for documentation writing where you can collect/manage resources, set an outline, and write a final draft while referring to collected resources on the side ➡️ It's Pocket, Workflowy, Google Docs put into one tool, only in a better form 🤗

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George Apostolov
Congratulations on the launch. The tool looks great from the video. I am interested in what front-end framework are you building it in. And what backend language. Also, how did you make the video, it looks great. And last but not least I would love to know more about business-canvas, seems like you have decided to change the name to Typed which I like more.
Dahae Lee
@telltrail Hi Georgi, Thank you for your interest! We use react for front-end and node.js for back-end. Video was made with Final Cut Peo. Actually, Business Canvas is our company name and Typed is the name of the product. Btw, what made you interested in our product? :)
George Apostolov
@telltrail @dahae_lee Well, I am interested in all products which bring value. And your product could be useful to me for blog post writing specifically. Also, I am building my product with a similar stack - full stack js. And the technology which you are using for word document generation would be interesting for me because I haven't generated word documents with node before. I think you are trying to break into a challenging market. But I have read recently about a product called Graphite which was using blockchain for storing doc files. https://www.failory.com/intervie... I can see that people would be able to include images and text from other documents using Typed, but are you thinking about including some other functionalities?
Dahae Lee
Hi Product Hunt! We started from the question of 'why is there no tool that facilitates A to Z of professional document writing?' There are indeed tools for each process: Pocket for resource collection, Notion for resource management, Workflowy for outlining, and MS Word for writing a draft. But it's too much hassle to go back and forth between different tools so we put them all together for you, so you just give up and go back to the habit of ...writing in a less organized way. With Typed, you can write better professional documents easier, in a more organized way. We are receiving beta test users and we had more than 1200 sign up so far. ⬇️come check it out!⬇️ https://www.typed.biz/closed-beta