
Conversations by Typeform - Turn any static web page into a dynamic exchange


💬Conversations is a simple tool built on top of Typeform's platform that allows you to hold hundreds of conversations at the same time.

Speak to people when it matters most by embedding it anywhere on your website, on any device.

Feel free to ask us questions or leave any feedback 🤙

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About a year ago Typeform's marketing and content team released the "first conversational article" which ended up engaging with more than 5 million people ✨ After many requests to turn that into a product so anyone could build conversational content, we put together a small team to make that happen. In a very short period of time, we built this tool that turns a Typeform into an interactive conversation 💬that you can embed anywhere on the web. Sign up on our website and you will get an invite link within a couple of days to try it out.
Shreyaa Ratra
@enniodybeli How does the pricing works ?
@shreyaa_ratra This is early stage and all the early adopters that will have access to Conversations will be able to do everything on top of a Typeform 'Basic plan' account (which is free)
Alexander Andersen
@enniodybeli Looks great! Ever since I read the article I've been dying to try it out for myself. Quick question, does it work in email or is it something you're planning on?
Julien Le Coupanec
That's such a good idea! Can't wait to try this out!!
@lecoupa Thanks! We will send you an invite soon!
Robert Sampson
Brad Bitler
This would be nice as a react native component
@bitler My friend and colleague @jepserbernardino1 has been already working on that!
Jepser Bernardino
Hi! @bitler we have a React component: https://github.com/jepser/react-cui I'm not experienced on React Native, but let me know if this helps
Dan Dan
Is there a bot or a person on the other side, or both?
@tostartafire For now, its a scripted conversation just like a Typeform, so no humans needed 🤖
Thiago de Carvalho
@enniodybeli @tostartafire Agree with you, but not always. If you make it informative and human-like, it can be interesting
Thiago de Carvalho
Love Typeform! As a PRO+ customer, I can't wait to try it out 😍
Vlad Korobov
Embeddable Intercom with Bots - awesome. Is there a way to save a log?
Logan Honeycutt
This is beautiful and such a great pivot. Typeform is an amazing and powerful platform already but now I've got so many new ideas and use cases.
Edward Ford
Yes, I've been waiting so long for this! Can't wait to try it out and experiment 🙌
Babken Karapetyan
Greate idea
Erwin James Will
already have a use case in mind
Tj James
Epic! Typeform is already the best survey tool in my opinion
Jędrzej Rayski
simply love it!
Andrei Kurtuy
How is it from the GDPR perspective? For example, if adding it on a blog would the people interacting need to give an extra consent or?
@andreikurtuy From my understanding "Conversations" behaves just like any other normal form and all the collected data will be sent to your Typeform account which is GDPR compliant.
Nirnay Patel
Love Typeform! How does incorrect grammar impact conversations? For example, what if the site visitors' input has a typo or incorrect grammar?
Top Product
Interesting! How does this compare to Intercom 3.0's bot builder? Looks a lot more feature filled from the get go, but from the survey I just filled out, it seems like you guys are leaving the use cases up to the customer, as opposed to focusing on sales enablement (like intercom)
Jason Dainter
@bryantchou firstly intercom is insanely expensive when you get many users. Typeform as I understand it doesnt charge based on number of users, so is way cheaper. So there thats...
@bryantchou exactly, we are still trying to figure out what is the best use case for this tool and you guys who are trying it out now will shape what's yet to come. My team and I would love to talk to you guys from Webflow, if you are interested you can dm me and well get in touch :)
Jason Dainter
This looks awesome! Already a major typeform user but nice to see you guys just keep on making the product better.
Matt Sayward
I would love a read-only one-way version of this.
David Ciaffoni
did this like a year ago. illusion.ai
Anna Filou
This looks so good! Typeform is fantastic and I love it but I've always thought it would be so much better in certain cases a chatbot and now they are finally making! ❤️ I applied for early access on the first day but still nothing... Are you going about it in waves? I'd love to know when I can actually get my hands on this :) How far away are we from the normal release?