Ben Lang

Ubersuggest 2.0 - Neil Patel's free keyword research tool

Top Product

Ubersuggest helps you generate keyword ideas for your content marketing strategy and production. With Ubersuggest 2.0 free keyword tool, generate an unlimited number of suggestions for free and take your content creation to the next level while increasing your website's chances of ranking against the competition.

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Neil Patel
Thanks Ben for hunting this. I really appreciate the Product Hunt community sharing this as my goal is to help all startups generate more traffic without pending money. If you are wondering what's new there are a few things: 1. You can now see how easily it is to rank for a keyword organically. We have a formula that looks how long it takes sites to rank as well as how optimized each site is. We also look at the overall authority. 2. Similar to V1, we show traffic estimations. But in V2, we added a graph at the top to show traffic over time. 3. There are many more advanced settings. We added a filters button to allow you to control the results a bit more and filter out the results you don't want. 4. You can also see the top 100 sites that rank for any given keyword in any language as well as their social share count.
Itai Elizur
@neilpatel will you also let users see who is linking to a certain page?
Neil Patel
@biraj thank you!
Neil Patel
@itaielizur we are looking to add this in 2019. Most likely late 2019.
David Alexander
@neilpatel Wow, how far Ubersuggest has come along since v1! Good work Neil! Keep it up, this tool just got promoted in my SEO stack! :)
Nadav Dakner
One of the best SEO and KW research tools that exist today (and it's free). The thing I love the most is not having to login to KW Planner tool and getting an exact number instead of a vague range
Neil Patel
@nadavdakner thanks! Yes, I always found it irritating that most tools make you login. So I removed that. 😉
Erik Emanuelli
Clean design. Really quick and simple to use. Tested it for a few keywords and found clever ideas to improve my niche sites. Search is fast and gives, at a glance, tons of useful data to work on. Definitely, a practical tool. Thanks for making it free!
Neil Patel
@erikemanuelli you are welcome. Within the filters button you can turn on more keyword ideas as well. Just select "Google ads".
Dana Gore

I recently used Ubersuggest to do some kw research. Considering I'm new to SEO, I found it easy to work with and, of course, it's a plus that it's free. There's a box that tells you how easy or difficult it will be for your kw to rank, so that was helpful. I plan to keep using it and I do recommend it.


Free, Easy to Use


Haven't Found Any

Neil Patel
Glad it is helpful. We are going to try and make it even easier for SEOs in the next few weeks with some small UI tweaks.
Marco Diversi
Wow, Neil, It looks so good now! I have moved it up from position 11 in my bookmarks in my 'Keyword Research Tools' folder to position 3. If this didn't rank higher on the SERP it definitely did rank higher in my bookmarks!
Neil Patel
@marco_diversi now I have to just release more features so it moves up to number 1 ;)
Marco Diversi
A Few Months After The Launch Of This, I Come Back To Say That Is A Very Nice Tool For Really! I Like It More And More Day After Day. The Way It Sorts The Keywords Is Different From The Other Kw Tools, And Also It Goes Super Fast And Free!
Joy Healey

I'm no expert - but that's what's so great about Ubersuggest 2.0. I don't have to be! It's simple to work with, and glad that it's being developed even further.


Free, and you don't have to login


I'm sure cleverer people than I might nit-pick, but I haven't found anything to complain about.

Neil Patel
Glad you like the usability and how you don't have to login. We debated that for a while and decided to not block anyone from just using it.
Asaf Fybish

After moving from to Ubersuggest I can definitely say

that this is one of the best tools I have used so far with generating new

keyword ideas.


Great UI, making your SEO work easy and efficient.


Need to improve their API integration.

Neil Patel
Glad you moved on over. My overall goal is to create an amazing free tool. The space is old, saturated and has many big players. But very few of them focus on UI and easy of use.
Itai Elizur

Amazing to have such a great FREE tool


1. Free tool that gives you up to 1000 keyword suggestions

3. Gives you an estimation of how hard or easy it is to rank for a given country


1. Doesn't provide domain level traffic estimation like SEMrush and Ahrefs

2. KW research is limited to 70 of the most popular countries

Neil Patel
My hope is by the end of the year we will have domain level metrics. Right now we are tweaking our estimation algorithm and fine tuning it. Once it is more accurate you will see a big release with features like top keywords per domain, estimated visitors, and even top page. And as for the countries, over time we will be adding in more.
Joy Healey
Can't believe that a keyword research tool as good as this is actually free - and you don't even have to login. Excellent resource. Thanks!
Alon Keren
@joy_healey My thoughts exactly. I tried to find a catch as to why this is free, but I ended up just getting lost in my own keyword research on the platform since it was so easy 😅
Martin Polak
Good job, I like this tool. May I know how do you calculate (organic) keyword difficulty?
Neil Patel
@martin_polak it's a formula that looks at how often the rankings for that keyword change (SERP results for the top 100) as well as how much overall authority as each site ranking in the top 100 has and how optimized each site is. It goes much more in-depth than just those 3 metrics, but that is a simplified version.
Martin Polak
@neilpatel Thank you. Does it mean you take into account mostly domain (back link) authority rather than page authority? I can see that your Domain score is simply Majestic Citation Flow of the domain, right?
Neil Patel
@martin_polak we take into account both.
Martin Polak
@neilpatel I really like that you have precalculated KD for any keyword and for all keyword ideas, also for those very specific. How is it possible? Do you prefetch SERPs for all keyword ideas?
Neil Patel
@martin_polak we have a database of over 600 million keywords and 11 billion web pages that we crawl on a regular basis. Almost everything is pre-fetched.
Hiten Shah
Ever since @neilpatel bought Ubersuggest, I've been intently watching how he's iterated the product with the goal of building the best free tool on the market. He wants to add as much value as possible without charging for it and he's been crystal clear about that. I'm excited to see this update and I'm looking forward to what he adds next. If you're looking to do SEO and content research, you should check out Ubersuggest. You might even stop paying for your existing SEO tools after using it ;)
Neil Patel
@hnshah thanks for your support Hiten!
Nadav Abuhatsira
Looks slick from the get go! good UX really awesome its free, looking forward to working with this tool in the future.
Neil Patel
@nadav_abu glad you like the UI. It still needs some minor tweaks. It will look much cleaner within 30 days.
Yaniv Goldenberg
Powerful & simple
Neil Patel
@yanivgoldenberg thanks. Now I just need to add more features. ;)

I'm using Ubersuggest for over 2 years.

I actually followed their progress into becoming one of the best SEO tools out there.

I'm using it to find new content opportunities within my niche.

I like the fact that they provide a lot of value without asking the user to sign in or pay, which is extremely rare in the SEO world.


- Accurate search results

- Save tons fo time

- Great user experience


- The world should have more tools like Ubersuggest

Neil Patel
Thanks for being a loyal user. Hopefully we can make you proud with future updates.
Agnes Thompso
Sounds and looks awesome, but, will it also help me improve the SEO of my personal blog or other things like Youtube channel?
Neil Patel
@agnes_thompso it will help you improve your SEO for any type of site. You can also use the keyword research tool for Youtube.
definitely want to use this, how do i know results are accurate (particularly in France?) Never done SEO, i've done pay search on other ventures. I remember google offering something similar behind login/pay wall
Neil Patel
@francoolaami you can compare some of the SERPs by just searching manually in France. Some maybe a bit off as the results on your end could be personalized assuming you have a lot of history Google has been tracking.
Chery Schmidt
This tool has made my life so much easier. I used to struggle for hours with my keyword research.. And no log in makes it even that much better... Great Share! Chery 😄
Dana Gore
I'm new to SEO and found this tool easy to use. I appreciate that it's out there and I plan on working with it frequently. Happy to recommend and share. The fact that it's free and you don't need a login was a pleasant surprise.
Neil Patel
@mrsdeegee yep, I found that there was no point in adding a login. Why make things harder to use for you. ;)
Dana Gore
@neilpatel yes...and thank you! Learning something new (especially technical stuff) is challenging enough (at least it is for me). I appreciate you putting this out there.
Neil Patel
@mrsdeegee you are welcome.
Nayan Kariya

Ubersuggest is really a good tool I have found recently for kw research. As a free tool, Ubersuggest offers great features and Neil is coming up with new features in near future. Looking forward to have awesome features in upcoming versions :)


1. Created by SEO for all SEOs

2. Easy to use

3. FREE :)


Not found any :)

Neil Patel
Thanks! Glad you liked it.
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Neil Patel
@stevenjames lol. They do have a very fast growing product that people love. Even I use it.