Would love to know your story more?
What qualifies you to teach this course?
Digital Nomad-ism seems to have excelled recently, especially with @levelsio continuous releases! There is a lot of information out there but I do think a bit more guided process would be valuable for those looking to make the leap.
Is this the first time running this course?
Where did you get all the information from and decide what needed to be included?
@bentossell sure! A good friend and I were inspired by Tim Ferriss to live the nomadic lifestyle, so we've been living all over the world over the course of 2015.
We've learned many things about the nomadic lifestyle the hard way, as books like the 4 hour work week only go so far. We wanted to distill all the practical knowledge we learned over the year that is highly relevant to aspiring digital nomads so that they could seamlessly transition into a fully nomadic lifestyle.
I agree, it's amazing to see people inspiring so many others to make the leap, and we also came across the problem of having so much different advice thrown at us from a million different directions. We absorbed all the advice and put it to the test in our travels, and created the course based on what we thought was the most relevant and actionable information that would help aspiring nomads. It's our first time creating a course about nomadism, but we've created online courses before (public speaking actually).
@larstheking Awesome... I do love the 4 hour work week...
Have you tested this course out on someone who wanted to make the leap and has since following it?
@bentossell Since we just launched, we'll be following the progress of the students in our course! It's 8+ hours of premium content, interviews with experienced nomads etc, so it has quite literally everything you would need to make the leap to the nomadic lifestyle.
@larstheking@bentossell The simple way to become a digital nomad is "decide" to...and the rest will fall into place if you prioritize making your dream a reality.
I've lived as a nomad from 2010 - 2015 before re-settling in Seattle this year, and working on a startup that has a digital nomad community angle to it. That said, we as an in industry need to be careful not to shame people into thinking life traveling as a nomad is the only way to live a fulfilling life. It's not. I see too many people telling everyone travel will solve all their problems. It won't.
This is a great article on the topic of not living someone else's dream I came across recently: http://www.thisbatteredsuitcase....
As @drewmeyers said, all you gotta do is decide. If someone needs to go through a course to become a digital nomad, then he/she isn't ready to be one. Diving into a new environment head on and adapting to it is what a nomad is all about. I upvoted this anyways because I'm sure you guys put in a lot to make this. Not too happy with the title or the price, though. Please do share stories of students who became 'digital nomads' after completing this course. All the best.