Julia Roy

The Unarchiver - A beautiful, more capable Archive Utility app for the Mac


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I used several Mac unzippers in the past, including the very affordable Unarchiver. Pretty much the app that defines the genre. My personal fave was and still is Entropy (http://www.eigenlogik.com/entropy/). It's not free, about 20 bucks, but it's got all sorts of features that make it stand out in the croud. It handles all sorts of archives, has rules on the handling of the various formats, has filters and several other features for the power user. A more recent fave is the powerful Extractor for Mac from Fiplab. Extractor is just a 1.0 release, but Fiplab turns all their apps into small little powerhouses, so I have high hopes for that one.
Irving Torres
This app is incredibly useful. I've had it installed on my mac for a while. Added it to my "Tools for your Mac" collection (http://www.producthunt.com/irvin...)
Shashank Bharadwaj
I remember dealing with the nightmare that was Stuffit. Then this came along and I've loved it ever since :)
Vjatseslav Gedrovits
I use it as main archiving tool (from UI). Sad, that this good tool gets so small amount of votes.