Eithiriel DeMerè

How to Optimize SaaS Landing Pages Guide - Your guide for creating high-converting campaigns


This ultimate, free guide and customer-centric checklist from Talia Wolf, Unbounce, and ActiveCampaign has everything you need to optimize like a bonafide SaaS expert.

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Lex Trukhin
@taliagw @nikkielizdemere looks like it’s an interesting guide. But for what kind of SaaS products are these tips? B2C, B2B or both? Which industries covered?
Talia Wolf
@nikkielizdemere @lextrukhin Great question Lex. Most of the examples you'll find inside are B2B, however we've used this framework on many B2C companies and it works great. So you can adapt it to your own needs.
Lex Trukhin
@nikkielizdemere @taliagw fair answer! Thank you! 🔥
Irina Datcenko
Very helpful guide!
Talia Wolf
@irina_datcenko Thanks Irina!
Eithiriel DeMerè
Unbounce, ActiveCampaign, and CRO legend Talia Wolf have all teamed up to help you diagnose and optimize any low-converting SaaS landing page. Their fantastic guide is full of detailed info and real SaaS examples for you to create customer-centric campaigns, fix underperforming landing pages, and optimize your pages based on actionable steps. You’ll take away: - 4 common problems plaguing SaaS landing pages and how you can solve them. - A step-by-step checklist to make your SaaS pages perform better. - Tons of Talia-approved resources and tutorials. Give it a read and you’ll be optimizing your campaigns for the most conversions like a SaaS expert in no time.
Talia Wolf
Thank you @nikkielizdemere! We're really excited about the guide we put together and can't wait to see how people leverage it to optimize their SaaS landing pages and marketing. Here to answer any questions!
Claire Suellentrop
Can't *wait* to recommend this to several clients as a resource! So timely and so valuable!
Michael Brooks
Unfortunately I'm unable to sign-up to access the guide (or at least get a confirmation that I'll receive it); there isn't a 'Success' page or an email confirmation. Looking forward to it, though!
Talia Wolf
@michaelibrooks Sorry to hear that Michael! @ashley_luk and I will look into that for you.
Ashley Luk
@michaelibrooks Sorry to hear, Michael! A confirmation email will be coming your way soon. If you're still having trouble accessing the guide, feel free to shoot us a message on Twitter @Unbounce. :)
Olya Zabalkanska
Signed up, really waiting to see the guide
Talia Wolf
This guide has been a long time in the making. I’ve been optimizing SaaS funnels for my clients for many years now, however when I got started I made a ton of mistakes and I felt discouraged, many times. I wasn’t sure how to go about it, how to optimize or what to do. These days I can put together a funnel for my clients or myself very confidently. The methodology I developed and follow has helped me increase leads for many companies. After running countless AB tests and optimizing hundreds of SaaS funnels, I've seen companies make the same mistakes over and over again (the ones I used to make). Mistakes that kill conversions repeatedly. Luckily these mistakes can be fixed or avoided pretty easily. So if you’ve been wondering why you’re not hitting those results you want, or if no matter how many elements you change of the page, there’s just no difference, there are a few adjustments (or dare I say -- mind shifts) you can make to change those results and get more people to say yes to whatever you’re selling on your landing page. I hope you find this guide super helpful! If you have any questions about CRO or SaaS marketing, I'm here to answer!
Luke Bailey
Thanks for hunting this, Nichole! Here at Unbounce, this is a question we get allllllll the time from other marketers: “How do I optimize my landing pages for more conversions?” The guide is like one big (super comprehensive) answer to that. We were blown away by all the real-world SaaS examples Talia found, and have already started using some of her tips and recommendations to give our own landing pages another look. Cozy up with your laptop—this is a good read :)
Aimee Paterson
Great resource for marketers! Thanks Unbounce!
Tiffany daSilva
I’ve already been sending this out to clients and students! I love it!