Oli Gardner

Smart Ads by Unbounce - Use AI to build and optimize ads faster

Get more out of your digital advertising with AI. Smart Ads uses Unbounce’s AI-powered data from over 1.5 billion conversions and 70,000+ customers to instantly generate higher-performing digital ads to optimize your marketing spend and increase conversions.

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Oli Gardner
Hey Product Hunt! 👋 I’m Oli, co-founder of Unbounce. What's Unbounce? (I'll explain at the end). Today we're launching Smart Ads, a drag and drop ad-builder that uses powerful AI to generate high-converting copy! It's built using GPT-3 (that's a big deal), has 20+ templates for different ad formats and unlimited variations. Here’s a sneak peak of what’s inside: 1. Drag and Drop Ad Builder - the fastest way to create digital ads from start to finish with templates that drive the highest conversions 2. AI Copy Generation - Enter some descriptive keywords and let our AI automatically generate high-converting copy ideas for your ads 3. You get to stare at the AI-generated copy and go "blimey, that's good writing" Problem truth: Competing for decent ad position and clicks is ridiculously hard. And writing decent ads is even harder. Solution truth: Smart Ads makes it much easier and faster, especially when you're a business owner doing paid ads for the first time. You should check it out now by clicking the [GET IT] button above. We're working on new features for Smart Ads and would love to hear your questions, feedback and feature requests. Co-create with us by sharing what you think in the comments below 👇 Happy ad building! Oli Oh right, what's Unbounce? We're the leader (kinda the best) in landing page and conversion intelligence software. We’ve been supporting our customers for over 10 years (12 years) and have powered 1.5 billion conversions (we added 929,324 yesterday) with our products designed to boost conversions and optimize your marketing campaigns. << That's Unbounce. p.s. the 929,324 number came directly from a spreadsheet my co-founder Carter Gilchrist just shared with me. That's a lot of conversions in a day. Epic.
Stewart Barrett
@oligardner You need to give me a minute while I nerd out on all this stuff. Absolutely love Unbounce, game changer for me for landing pages - I just couldn't believe how easy you made it. Your GA events were on point unlike basically eveeryone else on the market. Good luck today in the launch!
Peep Laja
@oligardner love it... but does anyone really say "blimey":) ?
Oli Gardner
@stewup Thanks, Stewart!
Oli Gardner
@peeplaja cor blimey, mate!
Mukul Raina
Hey, what’s the pricing on this? Thanks!
Oli Gardner
@mukulraina Freeeeeeee! so much freeeeeeeeee!🤣
Gabrielle Bourret-Sicotte
Hey Oli! This is really interesting - we might want to use this for Greenr very soon! We are launching our product tomorrow :)
Oli Gardner
@gabrielle_bourret_sicotte Amazing timing! YES!
Oli Gardner
@gabrielle_bourret_sicotte awesome, it looks great. good luck with your beta!
Craig Williams
@luis_francisco1 This looks cool. As someone about to get into Facebook Ads, all help is appreciated!
Luis Francisco Baroni Coutinho
@ichillidesign that's awesome! Please let us know how it goes. Any feedback is welcome :)
Ruben Wolff
Congrats on your launch! It really looks cool, a demo would have been great to showcase how the product works :)
@rubenwolff good call out, what format (video, gif, interactive) do you think is the most effective?
Ruben Wolff
@ryan_eves I think a video is more impactful because we can follow the process, and if you're talking an presenting it, it allows lazy people who don't always want to read stuff to follow haha
Jung Min
Can't believe this is free, awesome product!
@jung_min thank you! The value is learning as much as we can to build the smartest ad solution possible.
Justin Tsang
Super cool. Congrats Unbounce team!
Aurora Lumi
@justinjtsang Thanks, Justin! What did you think of the copy generation?
Luis Francisco Baroni Coutinho
@justinjtsang thank you! Glad to have you here
Edward Ilnicki
Hey all, I'm also part of the Unbounce team, and just want to say I'm really looking forward to reading what people think and have to say about this new tool!
Sophiary Lam
Congrats on launch! This looks like a great product!
Yurii Chepurenko
Very interesting! )
@new_user_223523466d3f5 Thanks for the interest! We are eager to hear what you think.
Sarah Gooding
Hey there, I'm Sarah and full disclosure, I work for Unbounce. This is one of the coolest tools we've launched in awhile. Think of it as the Unbounce for your ads (drag and drop) with the added benefit of an AI-generated copy feature that literally writes your ads for you. It's a game changer for anyone creating and writing ads.
Thea Mark
Congrats on launch! Can't wait to try!
Sepy Bazzazi
Another Unbouncer here! So excited to read all your awesome comments about Smart Ads by Unbounce and see what the good people of Product Hunt think of our newest AI-powered tool for marketers.
Ian Burgess
very slick! Loving the templates!
Aurora Lumi
@ian_burgess Aurora from Unbounce here - we are glad you're enjoying Smart Ads so far! The team is also always adding new templates!
Joe Cardillo
Brilliant. Already loving the simple, easy to use interface. Can't wait to see how this thing drives conversions!
Andrew Miller
Congrats, Unbounce team! I’m excited to put this through the paces…and blog about it. Y’all continue to impress.
Maggie Sheehan
Exciting launch, congrats Unbounce team!!
@maggie_sheehan thanks! more to come!
Marianne Messick
Daniel Carew
This sounds brilliant, excited to see some results!
Tommy Levi
Unbouncer and one of the makers. We're really excited to launch this, get people using it to create amazing ads and hear all of your feedback!