Niv Dror

Human Job Postings, by Uncubed - Put a face (or voice) behind boring, static job postings.


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Tarek Pertew
nivo0o0, thanks for the hunt. 🔝🔝 This is a new, very beta release of a self-serve rich media job posting for hiring companies. Uncubed's mission is to make work human, so we focus heavily on creating a platform where companies come to life. Our relatively new company & jobs pages feature much higher quality and in-depth videos of employees, but the idea behind HJPs is to make it much easier (damn near instant) for companies to turn static content into something with character and personality. A few notes: -We've kept it to 35 seconds or less for both audio and video. -We don't have much of a working template for folks to follow as we expect it to work it's way out with use. -We are curious if people are much more likely to choose audio over video (or vice versa). -We are very much looking forward to painfully awkward videos and analyze the impact this content has on application rates. -The point is that the content is NOT perfect. But we are curious how many people / companies can get behind that. It's currently only for subscribing companies, but we'd be happy to let folks give it a spin for free if you're hiring. Just drop your email in the beta. We'll promote to our community as well. Thank you and please, please, please provide your feedback. -Tarek
@tarekp very cool!
Tarek Pertew
@vesln Thank you. It has a ways to go, but we're happy to get it off the ground.
Mano Guiragosian
Good one
Tarek Pertew
@mano_guiragossian Thank you, Mano.
Mohammed Rafy
Cool stuff. This is great but a question - Why would a recruiter want to do a video describing the Job description? It consumes time, right? The era is of automation and everyone look for the easy way to recruit or post a JD in any portals and minimize their time.
Tarek Pertew
@rafyasarmatta - Thanks for the compliment and your note. I believe there is a concurrent trend happening. One that helps automate tasks (AI) and one of transparency. Candidates, particularly those with real demand, want to know what problems are being solved and the people solving them. The more a company can lend insight into this, the better they are answering the needs of talent. Also, millennials make up most of the workforce and they communicate with an alarmingly increasing rate. All companies will be using video to recruit in the future. It's part of the overall strategy that also includes better automation tools....presumably like DoSelect. Re: Consumes time. If the time it takes to attach a 30second HJP leads to more relevant applicants and fewer applicants per hire, then the ROI on that time investment is enormous for a company.
Taylor Crane
Think this is a great idea. Congrats @tarekp!
Tarek Pertew
@taykcrane Thanks man (I know I owe you an email - coming right up!)
Rahaf Harfoush
This looks awesome. I love the idea of seeing humans aren't reduced to a cluster of "marketable skills."
Tarek Pertew
@rahafharfoush Thank you, thank you!
Jeffrey Rudolf
Very cool. Love what you guys are doing.
Tarek Pertew
@jeffrey_rudolf Thank you, sir!
Nate Hindman
Super smart
Tarek Pertew
@natehindman Thanks Nate.
Daniel Chait
Great idea whose time has come. Most job posting content is BORING and sterile - anithesis of how to connect with and excite people about your company.
Tarek Pertew
@dhchait Thanks for the note, Daniel. Couldn't agree more - next up is integrating this into Greenhouse! Say when...
Patrick Iwanicki
Much guys are on to something!
Tarek Pertew
@patrickdujour Thank you, thank you.
Spencer Ingram
I dig it! This feels like a good fit for highly talented candidates who are attracted to interesting problems to solve and a team to grow with.
Tarek Pertew
@beingspencer That is most def the idea! Thanks, Spencer!
Matt O'Leary
Awesome idea!!
Jacinta Gulasekharam
This is super cool! Definitely something I would have wanted to see when I was job hunting as a grad
Daniel D'Aquino
Neat concept! An image is worth a thousand words. The part where companies show visually how the job will look like is my favorite. I feel that is the most lacking thing of traditional job postings. This makes me wonder... Would it be nice to have video cover letters? Congratulations on this product!
Tarek Pertew
@daniel_nogueira Thank you, sir!
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Tarek Pertew
@kevinmacpherson Thank you for the feedback.
Interesting !
Tarek Pertew
@meshlakhani. Mesh, mesh, mesh. Thank you, thank you.
Fabian Pfortmüller
What a fantastic idea!!