@telltrail@luckjoke I think what the majority of people are saying is that it's harder to execute very well if you're working a full time job to pay bills!
@luckjoke@awt Yes, obviously we all agree on that, but I was amazed by the second most selected option which is "No Good Ideas".
Why do you think is that?
Does the people who answered "No Good Ideas" are more tech and does not have good ideas, or what.
Tech people face a lot of tech problems without good solutions too.
@luckjoke@telltrail I was surprised at that also! Not sure what the reason is. I think you're right there are plenty of things to work on but maybe some of the answers are because people want their own idea to work on. For some it's hard to have passion/conviction about someone else's idea. Just my guess...could be wrong.
I think the hard truth is people are lazy, product development is hard, people like to feel the cushiness of having a full-time job and don't want to lose the status, money, and benefits of it, just to try to solve a problem which they will probably fail to solve and still lose all the things mentioned above.
Most people don't like risk, and work, but excuses like "No Good Ideas" that is another thing, that is much more likable.
I feel bad when I express an opinion that seems to be negative, but I believe to be the truth.
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