Brand Personalities: do you think it's something that startups should care about?
Brand personality is an emotional brand image, in other words: emotional connection between consumer and brand. Competitors can copy features, services, and distribution channels, but by creating an emotional image of the brand, the company could obtain a really strong differentiator.
J. Aaker, a specialist in marketing with a focus on brand strategy, conducted research into brand personalities, and identified the following five dimensions:
1. Sincerity: down-to-earth, honest, wholesome, and cheerful.
2. Excitement: daring, spirited, imaginative, and up-to-date.
3. Competence: reliable, intelligent, and successful.
4. Sophistication: upper-class and charming.
5. Ruggedness: outdoorsy and tough.
Example: Mercedes is an exclusive brand that sits on a pedestal and encourages its customers to earn the right to join their club. Their reward? Status. Mercedes communicates superiority and exclusivity and reminds their audience that they are at the top. Throughout their entire brand experience, they display characteristics of status, wealth, and success and provide their customers with a sense of achievement. Mercedes has a "Sophistication" brand personality.
The infographic Brand personality dimensions by D. Aaker is here: