Yeshwanth Reddy K

Alternative to doom scrolling?


Hi everyone, I'm building a platform product and I'm implementing a feed scroll for it. But personally I'm against doom scrolling as I've wasted a lot of my time on Instagram but I can't think of any other viable alternatives. Although my platform is productive I just wanted to ask is there something other than doom scrolling to keep up to date on a platform without taking a toll on users? Let me know anything regarding this. It might save some of my future users from wasting more time than necessary. Thanks

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My Phung
If you're interested in being up to date on info there are many alternatives. You can subscribe to a newsletter. There's millions out there. Social media platforms compete on user's attention. They have fleets of hundreds of the smartest engineers to keep you on the app for one more second. It's for profits in the end
I think there are a lot of AI services now that can help you with platform selection and can find alternatives to scrolling.
Gurkaran Singh
Hey there! Why not sprinkle some "scrolls of knowledge" instead of falling into the abyss of doom scrolling? Think of it as feeding your brain with nutritious content instead of junk food for the mind! Time to level up that feed game!