I'm about to launch a new product and would like to know what tools you'll be using in 2023? Calendly is ugly, and it's so buggy, could you use another competitor?
@tberguer I understand the personal branding part which ultimately though I am unsure what value it provides for a meeting link. (just seems like more unnecessary fluff)
Secondly I am confused about this 'no show rate' you keep mentioning. How do you reduce 'no show rate' and also I don't have 'no shows' as I do my qualification properly and have reminders for all meetings.
@tberguer On average I aim for about 5 meetings booked per day. Has been my golden rule for years. Also how do you reduce no show rate using a calendar link?
I'm embarrassed to put this out there but I found sending ical invites so complicated for some reason so I hacked a simple ical sender in like half n hour just for myself. It's pretty ugly but gets the job done for me lol: https://sendicalinvite.com/
It feels a little bit harsh to comment on your competitors that way (saying they are ugly), especially considering they are quite successful on the market and reached great results.
I am using Morgen to create scheduling links, the tool absolutely rocks :)
How can I delete my account? The team of Lemcal seems to not be able to answer questions regarding the usability of the platform. I've disconnected all my integrations, how do I remove my account from your platform?
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