Maria Ayzaguer

Finding my products buyer persona


Hey there! Are there any marketers in the room? I'm launching a SAAS product in march and there is no clarity on who our buyer persona is. How can I find it out? Does running FB or Linkedin ads help me for that? I appreciate advice, many thanks!

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Marie Jaksman
Hey Maria! I have been working +6 years for a SAAS company for developers. Defining the buyer persona for your product is the most important job for the next marketing activities, but I guess you already know it :) A good customer profile is not an educated guess or stating the obvious ❌person's age ❌ income ❌ marital status ❌education ❌ personality ❌values ❌lifestyle ❌opinions A good buyer persona will tell you: ✅Which buyers are receptive, and which will ignore you no matter what you say ✅Which aspects of your solution are relevant to them, and which are irrelevant ✅What attitudes prevent your buyers from considering your solutions ✅What resources your buyer's trust as they eval “rate their options Which buyers are involved in the decision and how much influence do they wield” In my opinion, it's hard to gain insight into the buyer’s mindset without actually talking to them. You can run ads and spend a lot of money but all you can test is the value proposition based on your guesswork. What you will learn is whether the message resonated with the customer or not. Just talk with your potential customers and understand what are their struggles, what are they trying to achieve and why it's important to them. (ps! remember that people often lie to look better. So, try to really dig deep) Good luck with you launch!
Maria Ayzaguer
@marie_jaksman thank you SOOOOO much for your awesome advice. You have just saved me a lot of money in ads that would basically count more for copy validation (and starting off with guesswork, youre totally right). Ok, so talk to customers, talk to customers, talk to customers, there I go. (loved the people often lie bit, will rememberit while interviewing). One last question before I let you go! haha Hoy many interviews would yoy say should be a good start to get close to my buyer persona? Thanks again!
Marie Jaksman
@maria_ayzaguer It depends. But I would say after having 5-7 interviews you will start to see patterns that you can validate further. Also, I recommend to read "mom test" about customer interviews and people lying :D it gives you a good structure how to dig deeper! Good luck!