Yash Sharma

Free trail vs Freemium


What do you think is better for a product?

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Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
I am waffling with this too - I also ask myself almost daily - Do you ask for a credit card on the trial or give them access to unlimited features during the trial. Something I've discovered on my pricing journey that made me feel so much better is that its not stagnant. You can change how you price - what you charge - how you offer trials etc. Think of pricing as a whole segment in your product offering and treat it with as much respect as the other business strategies.
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
This blog has a lot of really great / insightful Saas stuff: https://openviewpartners.com/blog/
Luke Han
Free Trial for B2B SaaS. The only way to measure business values you provide to enterprises is how much they would like to pay.