Wojtek Krzciński

From 0 to 100 users in 5 weeks 🥳

✅ 100 users for www.raport.pro in 5 weeks. I'm really happy that so many people decided to use Raport 🎉 I have a feeling that 2022 will be a good year 🚀 I wrote more on this 0 to 100 journey and shared a chart here 👇🏻 https://indiehackers.com/post/from-0-to-100-users-in-5-weeks-fc6d940224

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Devanand Premkumar
Congratulations on your achievement and I wish you the very best for you and Raport :)
Jersey Flores
Congratulations to you and the Raport team! Currently reading your post and it's very helpful. :)
Rajat Dangi 🛠️
I can confirm that organic growth gives you the best feelings. Congratulations!!
Rajat Dangi 🛠️
@wojtek_krzcinski Oh, then how did you gain these 100 users?
Rucha Joshi
That's fantastic! Congratulations :)
Cakes Delivery in Noida
Wow Congrats!
Rushikesh Kavathekar
Congratulations on your achievement! we are also running a startup named Questy.