Personally, I created a Discord server for my service and I started looking for other servers that were focused on my product niche (in my case crypto).
I talked with the owners to see if they were interested and if I could also talk about it on their server. Finally, I used tools like Disboard to increase organic traffic to my own server. I also found a lot of users willing to beta test.
@emanuele_caldari Thank you. My biggest competitors are and These services have a very complex UI/UX, in my opinion, so it's difficult for the average user to use. I'm trying to build a service that it's usable by anyone, even if you aren't an expert in crypto.
@dadekuma Great! I wish you the best and that you can do it. Maybe one day not too far away we will deepen the discussion because we too will create our ERC20 token linked to our project. Thanks!
I made a Swift Study Group Indonesia, a community of iOS developers from Indonesia. At the beginning, I was just mentoring a junior in the company in iOS development. But then I thought let's learn from other Indonesian developers as well. So I contacted some friends who contacted their friends and now there are 430 members in our Telegram group. We have a sharing session every week where any members can share what they have learned about iOS or Mac development.
@nicnocquee Nice story! This is the way to start, small and by helping others. Then if what you are doing at will in the eyes of others, the community is created. Achievements!