To validate an idea, gather feedback from potential users and analyze market trends to see if there is demand for your concept. Contentify can help by automating the creation and publication of content to test your idea and gather feedback quickly and efficiently.
Try Contentify AI for Free here just look up Contentify AI
Figure out your ideal customer base and just ask them. However, don't ask them about the idea but instead ask about the problem itself. If you realize your idea solves a legitimate problem that will either save your customer enough time, money, or headaches to make a monthly payment a no-brainer for them, then you've got a great idea on your hands.
Spoiler alert: Shameless self-promotion ahead 😁
Need help with validating your business ideas? Check out the Validation feature on IdeaBuddy
How about hosting a focus group on Zoom and observing participants navigate through your idea like a virtual game of "I Spy"? It's like peeking behind the curtain of innovation while sipping on a cup of data-driven curiosity!