Nadia Zueva

Is there any particular industry that tends to stand out more here on PH?


Hi all, I'm Nadia. I was a lead voice tech DL engineer, but now I'm trying myself in the fashion tech. Soon, I'm launching my new app Aesty which digitizes clothes from real-life photos into your mobile wardrobe and creates perfect outfits based on your style preferences, personal features, occasion & local weather conditions. What industry are you launching your product in? Do you think certain industries have a better chance of catching the eye of hunters? And hey, does integrating and mentioning AI give it an extra edge? :) Let's discuss!

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Nadia Zueva
Launching soon!
Any chance to grab hunters' attention with Aesty? Check it out:
Ruben Boonzaaijer
@nadiaaesty Aesty looks great! I'm notified! ps. is live today your support would help us out a lot
@nadiaaesty Woow so excited for this. I actually had this idea in college (but did nothing about it lol) and I'm super interested in the implementation! Notified!
Micha Cassola
I like to look for products that do not use AI as I think the AI bubble is about to be at critical size soon. It has become more special to have a product that does not use AI then one that does. And I got a feeling that tools from developers for developers are more than others, but I don't have any data on that.
@michacassola Micha agreed there is definitely a bit of an "AI bubble." On the other hand there are tons of legitamate use cases to reduce repetitive redundant low value tasks in the workforce - what d oyou think?