Anil Matcha

Is your business affected with the advent of AI / ChatGPT ???


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Jordan Shlosberg
I think every business is impacted. At the end of the day, there will be a number of processes that can now be shortened or fully automated. A lot of people are focusing on new businesses with GPT which, although cool, has no barriers to entry. The real power is in the businesses that simply implement it where it makes the most sense.
Tony Yan
Yeah. We are building a GPT based application named quick creator(
John Carmichael
There are not many areas that GPT will not touch eventually... I guess the question to me is, what will happen to wages when someone doing the same work is now heavily supported by GPT? Will managers expect quicker turn-around, and will this just result in lower quality... exciting/worrying/interesting times! Take our little spin-off app today, We can now translate an entire app (i18n) in minutes with GPT... but there is still the need for a real translator to check the output, especially when the language is an uncommon language...
Kamil Kaderbay
Yes, with Snackeet we integrated their API to make the webstories creation process more efficient
Igor Pavlov
Yes, but "affected" in a good way. You may look at it as a threat or an opportunity. Of course, you should always look at the latter.
Andreas Møller
Yes. I am also answering on behalf of everyone else ;)
Emily B
I joined a few months ago but learned that we were already using a similar model to GPT-3 before the openAI release and subsequent boom. So once it was released to the public, it only improved our product!
Valorie Jones
We already use GTP 3.5 in our video application that launched yesterday. It cut down training time for our internal productions and our clients by at least a factor of 5.
Chris Watson
I think every business might be affected but at the end, human touch is required for everything.
Igor Lysenko
My opinion on this subject is that chatgpt is a good thing and it really helps in some situations. But I believe that it will not replace an employee, but some functions can be integrated into the program.
Leonid Mikhalev
I would say that my industry affected. I work mostly at fintech, and AI here changes a lot. You can do whole compliance, AML with AI, make audition activities for financial institutions, do conclusions about pitch decks, financial reports, and more stuff. It's pretty cool. I think about building smth on the edge of AI and Fintech. Sounds pretty challenging and fun.