I have tried so hard to make the change to digital but having notes on something that’s always with me such as phone or laptop makes it hard for me to remember it’s there.
So for me, paper all the way
@franklin_miguel just out of curiosity, how do you easily find something you know you wrote down some time ago?
I love the idea of pen and paper, but can’t get my head around how you keep notes long term.
@navinpeiris I have two notebooks, one more general in terms of just divided by months and the other more specific towards tasks or information about clients, scope of work, etc
I keep all my notes digitally. That way I always have access to them wherever I am and can find anything I want in a hurry.
I love the idea of old school pen and paper but haven’t found a system that works for me.
Really depends on what I have to write down.
If it's just simple notes, I'll definitely go for a good old keyboard and write it down quickly.
But if I have to make some connections between certain notes or maybe have to draw something quickly to note it down, I'll go for paper.
How about you?
In between when it comes to me.
I like to write the todo list on paper so I have it in front of me all the time.
But when it comes to notes that I need to reuse - Obsidian works for me the best!
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