Loic Thirion-Lopez

The uncomfortable truth about hybrid meetings...


Remote participants miss: - Side conversations - Whiteboard sessions - Body language - Real engagement How do you create equality between in-person and remote attendees? 🎯

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Darren Lang
Launching soon!
It's a tough one and it is not as simple as one may think. One main driver in building culture is through constant communication, right? So having a remote team, who only connect online, needs to be managed with more expertise than one believes. I agree with your point, and they also lose out on a lot of solutioning and iteration. Unless you keep everyone updated constantly. To avoid isolation, we use Slack and open channels as much as possible, with a golden thread of transparency. I can't say that it's the silver bullet, but it has certainly brought our team together. Also, for meetings, respect those online, not ignoring their gestures. Be aware that other people online have opinions and want to be heard (and you need to hear their ideas and opinions). Do not isolate them; bring them into the conversation. Last tip, cameras on, and ask for feedback, constantly.
steve beyatte
Have you used a virtual office like @Tandem or @Gather Town ? Has that helped at all with remote work? We use Tandem at @Product Hunt , works great as it allows for side conversations and 'just drop in' style conversations.