George Siosi Samuels

We're approaching our first 1K users, how to get to 10K?

Hi all! Currently working on a product called Honā (, a social accountability platform (which is actually evolving into something much more). We've been in private beta for a couple months now, and are getting close to 1K users. Just wanted to hear from others who've successfully made the jump from 1K to 10K? We have an internal metric of just simply adding 0's to our user signup milestones (e.g. 10 > 100 > 1000, etc.). Once we hit 1K, the plan is to come out of private beta. We've been doing it this way to control the flow and iron out main bugs before going blitz. We're expecting this to occur by Oct 5-7. Would love to hear from you! PS. If you'd like to skip the waitlist and get direct access, just let me know, and will send you the appropriate link.

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Vegard Wikeby
Way cool app. Should easily attract a few thousand users from here on PH!