@lysten_inc Tech founders are amazing people who have to be multifaceted and dynamic but also clear-thinking and very focused. At first, they must be willing to combine several positions and take on untypical responsibilities, such as HR, PR, sales, product development, and design. But most importantly, they must be somewhat crazy to swing into the frenzied, roller-coaster-like rhythm of life called "entrepreneurship."
Despite the obstacles, the idea of doing something valuable and applicable in practice inspires the founder and the project team.
@evgeniyyakubovckiy I love you’re response as a founder you are 100 percent correct. You have to be ready and willing to take on many roles and where many hats in. It’s a learning curve for many but definitely inspiring.
@lysten_inc The founders play the role of preachers who repeat the mantra "a bright future awaits us, we will definitely become rich, change this world for the better and come to success" every day.
I would be interested to hear the opinion of the founders. I am not one myself, but I can see from my manager how he literally breathes the idea of his project. This is his brainchild, he puts his whole soul into it. And there are disappointments, of course.
@katerina_kurshina I think the pros in my opinion is the creativity I get to have behind my product. I love using my imagination and so bringing something to “life” in that aspect is so thrilling lol. The cons, well there are many. But the main con of being an entrepreneur in general is seeing your product fail.any of us put so much time, effort and resources into our business and to see it not work out the way we expected can be a killer.