Tony Yan

What is the best way to get deep user?

We have launched the beta version of QuickTable for about 3 months and now have about 150 registered users. But most of those users use our product only a few times. I hope to get some deep users who can frequently use the product. So what is the best way to get such kinds of users? Currently, I am using reddit and content writing to get users. I am not sure if cold email marketing is useful. What's your opinion?

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Luc Sanchez
If you have a good idea of what you want your product to look like in the future, then get more engaged with the few deep users you already have. Get feedback from them on what they like and dislike about the product, and use that as a roadmap for further changes. At Stashpad (we're launching today! user feedback has been one of the best tools for deciding what direction we should go in, and this brings in like-minded users who will then be your next generation of super users.