The biggest hurdle I faced was securing initial funding while trying to prove the viability of my idea. Balancing limited resources with the need for rapid development was incredibly challenging.
For us it was finding initial people to test it. We’re launching (tomorrow :)) into a space that already has a lot of competition. It was initially difficult to get people to agree to try out our product when they were already happy using their current programs. We tried out a lot of different approach and messaging and finally started making some progress. Once we found some approaches that worked we replicated that and had a much easier time. After that it snowballs as they start to tell their friends and then eventually you have people coming to you asking if they can test it out for themselves.
I’m glad we did this. We had originally scheduled to launch a few months ago but delayed to spend more time testing and getting user feedback. Glad we did this as we are bringing a better version of the product to market. Excited to see what comes next. Check us out tomorrow if you’re looking for a powerful social media management platform - especially if it is an area you struggle in with your product
Vozo AI