What other platforms and websites should we launch on after PH?


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Ryan T - Dezbor.com
Most people will say Betalist, Reddit, Twitter... But I'll say LinkedIn, it is the most underrated place to promote tech product
Vincent Delitz
@distartin do you have any experiences or best practices for launching tech products on Linkedin?
Fabian Maume
There aren't that many platform offering launch, but you can list your startup on many places: https://www.producthunt.com/disc...
Leena Chitnis
For anyone doing a physical product launch, consider: your social media outlets, Product Hunt, Thing Tester, The Grommet, HackerNews (yes, they also occasionally fund physical products), Reddit, Kickstarter, IndieGogo, and also talk about it on Quora in a roundabout, non-salesy way. Facebook is powerful too -- you aren't allowed to self-promote in their massive groups, but instead you can post a photo and say something in a roundabout way. For instance, I am launching a highly technically-designed dog bed, and when I post photos, my photos always show my product very well, and in the caption I say something like, "Loving my time in Yosemite!" Inevitably, someone asks me where I got my pet bed and I talk about it then.
Relja Denic
Submit on all review sites like: g2 captera Saashub Sourceforge etc You can try also: Betalist Hackernews Pitchwall Appsumo (but got to offer lifetime deal as I'm aware of) Indiehackers Launchingnext Starterstory (Not sure if they accept brand new startups and if it's still free ) I mean, none of them are as big as Producthunt, except Appsumo. What I would try is to get the product listed on any alternative like PH. You just copy and paste from PH all of your content and get them on these sites. I'm sure it can help get additional exposure without any money invested.
Carissa Jansen
We launched on Hacker News, Twitter, Reddit and LinkedIn! Also we've launched on Product Hunt and are close to product of the week if you want to check us out!