Where to look for IT talent in 2022
And how to find a good recruiter to help you find an IT specialist?
Today, there are more and more services for instant search and hiring of IT specialists. It seems that these are perfect solutions, but for the most part such services are focused on the search for IT specialists and assume direct communication with candidates. This is not always convenient because you as a customer spend a lot of time looking for a really cool candidate, sifting through dozens or hundreds of faceless offers.
In addition, statistics show that only 15% of candidates are actively searching, and another 15% look at job openings passively. And you lose up to 70% of potential candidates when you post offers on classic job search portals.
Isn’t there an easier way to reduce the costs and time of hiring a suitable specialist for further collaboration? There is a way out it’s partnership with freelance IT recruiters who understand your business. Submit your vacancies to freelance recruiters on grinfi.io and get results this week.
The main difficulty is finding candidates who meet the requirements
According to statistics, it takes from two weeks to two months on average to close vacancies. It’s mainly related to:
1. It is difficult to find suitable candidates.
2. Inconsistency between the candidate’s salary wishes and the company’s expectations.
3. Competition from other companies.
4. Long-term “approval” of the candidate by the customer or project manager.
Freelance recruiters are engaged not only in searching, but also in persuading passive candidates who are not looking for a job. Thus, they close the first 3 problems, and the last one can be solved only by the customer.
Are external referrals the best candidate search channel?
Freelance recruiters can become a new source of active search for strong specialists to simplify your way to hire exactly who your company needs now and accelerate the development of any project. In addition, it is much cheaper than recruiting agencies;)
Among employers, almost everyone understands that LinkedIn is the most effective search tool, but not everyone has the time to personally talk to hundreds of candidates who could be a good fit for the company, but most of them do not even know about this opportunity.
Hire freelance recruiters for the project, and they will definitely find everyone on LinkedIn. Surveys that were recently conducted among recruiters on the portal of anonymous search for specialists showed that they know exactly where to look:
95% called LinkedIn the top search tool;
somewhere around 2% attract GitHub search. Although it was also quite effective before.
At the same time, the resume database is mainly used only by experienced recruiters, beginners simply don’t have it yet. The share of job sites is almost independent of work experience and varies between 7–15%. On grinfi.io there are both young and “hungry” performers and experienced recruiters. It all depends on what bonus you are willing to pay and what speed of results you expect.