Software Guy (Aarvy)

Which soft skills are most valued by your clients?


Do we all agree that Soft skills increase your chances of getting more leads and clients? For me, the most important soft skills that have helped me get more clients are: 1. Respectfulness 2. Self-management 3. Adaptability and 4. Communication skills

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Elizabeth Obee
I've worked both client and agency side and think empathy is incredibly valuable. As a client, having an agency contact who truly empathises with the business challenges, time pressures or other factors I'm managing in my day is key. Same for when I was agency-side - long, retained clients who spent more over time 🙌
Maali Baali
I think, each of them.
Daniel thia
The most important soft skills which employers value are: emotional intelligence, communication, problem-solving, collaboration, critical thinking, conflict resolution, flexibility, leadership and interpersonal skills.