UniAcquire introduces a new way to buy and sell companies. It’s an efficient and effective marketplace designed to help business owners and investors connect faster, and reduce time from start to finish.
@abirxhossain Also, not sure what MicroAcquire offers in terms of features. If you upload a sell-side mandate, it has a walkthrough of questions to create a blind teaser and a pitchbook. I want information that sellers upload to be complete for the investors sake. Also, if you upload a buy-side mandate for a type of business you're looking for, it will notify you immediately once one gets uploaded and matches your buy-side mandate
@cgstiver I liked it. Going to give it a shot. Thanks for explaining. If you work on connecting investors and startup like this way, i think it will be incredible.
Thank you everyone that has upvoted or signed up so far! If youre an investor, let me know and I can help you make a buyside mandate. That way when a seller/M&A intermediary uploads a sell-side mandate, you can match up immediately