Mikael Cho

Unsplash 5.0 - Free (do whatever you want) high-resolution photos.

Unsplash 5.0 is a massive online catalog of the best online wallpapers from top photographers and editors around the world, free for you to use for anything.

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Mikael Cho
Hey everyone! Unsplash 5.0 is our first major update since we spun Unsplash out into its own company (https://medium.com/unsplash-unfi...) a few weeks ago. Unsplash 5.0 includes 5 major things: Following - follow your favorite people on Unsplash Notifications - get insights into activities like: who's following you, download milestones, etc. Unsplash Stories - ability to add a short story behind each photo you capture Unsplash S (for Speed ;) - Unsplash is way way faster now Unsplash Local (https://unsplash.com/local) - connecting the Unsplash community offline Official Unsplash 5.0 announcement is here: https://medium.com/unsplash-unfi... Feel free to take us for a whirl today. I'd love to hear what you think. :)
Leonel More
@mikaelcho it's great to see Unsplash growing from a simple Tumblr page to a social network. Congrats to all the team, great new features!
Alfonso C. Betancort
@leonelmore @mikaelcho what's wrong with Tumblr? Other that it's owned by tumbling Yahoo.
Mikael Cho
@leonelmore Thanks so much Leonel :) Appreciate all the support
Mikael Cho
@guidsen Thanks a lot Guido!
Faye G
@mikaelcho It's great to see Canadian company leading the way! Speed improvement is impressive. The amount of features to connect and grow the community are needed. What is the photo count number at now? Information that also may help your users is more education about commercial use of a free photo. Using free photos for commercial uses can be tricky. Commercial use information is the focus of my reviews of free photo websites. I've reviewed your site at https://www.userroadmap.com/prod...
Unsplash is amazing! Thank you Now who will be the one to make Unsplash Video first. I have many videos I would like to contribute.
Annie Spratt
@androidlove Annie here from the Unsplash team, hello! You might like to check out coverr.co for free-to-use video 👍
@androidlove Check out Pixabay Videos. Definitely the best source for CC0 videos and footage out there: https://pixabay.com/en/videos/
Matt Bradford-Aunger
@simonsteinbgr @androidlove Not that you're biased or anything, Simon! 😅 Great work on the mobile app launch btw!
Adam Cellary
@androidlove There is a free collection on wwwunstock.io (link in footer) for >100 free videos. When you upload file, you may set your videos as a contribution
Matt Bradford-Aunger
Congrats on the update, Unsplash team! Seriously great work. As a relatively new member (though a long time user!) I've quickly found both the platform and the community to be far beyond anything I've experienced elsewhere. The addition of notifications is particularly great, and will no doubt bring the community even closer together. 👏👏👏 Keep up the kick-ass work! 👍
Marina Yalanska
Big thanks, guys, for everything you do: I suppose lots of users will agree that now the platform presents the reliable source of not only great and stylish photo-content, but also aesthetic inspiration. Unsplash is my love from the first sight and I never spend a day without checking the updates to get amazed. Thanks for you hard work and great style, keep rocking!
Mikael Cho
@myalanska oh sucks! thanks so much Marina. really means a lot to hear this from you :) we'll keep working to make Unsplash better and better.
Abhi Nayar

Unsplash is an amazing resource. When I started designing/developing purchasing expensive stock photos was one of the only ways of consistently getting images to use in design/web projects.

With Unsplash and Pexels, etc. though now I have access to an almost unlimited library of images. I've used Unsplash for projects all the way from mobile apps, websites, to billboard advertisements. Best part is I can just sent my clients the link and they can browse through the images themselves and send me the ones they like.

Overall an AWESOME resource. There are some minor annoyances like the addition of features that I feel just add clutter and don't add to the core value proposition (but that may just be me, and I won't name them so you can form your own opinion). My FAVORITE feature though is where they suggest giving the photographer credit - SO important and underrated.

When you have people providing as awesome resource as this it's only fair to thank them. Unsplash is a fantastic site and I highly recommend it to everyone... My one gripe is that I don't think they need to keep adding features.


Free, Great selection, High resolution, Easy navigation, Simple, Reminder to give photographers credit


Some common keywords are lacking (TOTALLY understandable), Sometimes images are hidden in "collections", some clutter w new features

Kevin Leneway
Unsplash has been one of my favorite sites for a long time, and this update looks great. Thanks for building this, you guys rock!
Rahul Kapoor
Loved this product. Why are you guys so awesome?
Jp Valery
I'm amazed by what you achieved since the first days as a tumblr. Congrats guys :pray: (and don't forget to check out my profile ;) https://unsplash.com/@jpvalery ;) )
Kris Puckett
Ugh this is so awesome. So stoked for this update! Thanks for contributing so much to so many!
Casey McCallister
Continuing to undermine the nature of photography businesses worldwide.
Gabriel Lewis
Unsplash is the Instagram I've always wanted. Beautiful Photos, no selfies.
Michal Ptacek
Great update guys. Your site is on my TOP 10 list and I use it every day.
Unsplash always was amazing, and it shows it still is!
Thank you for making web a better place where people use Unsplash photos/videos instead of a cheap clipart.
Rick Chen
As a long time user - thanks for building the platform, look forward to trying out the updates.
Nick Elder
Unsplash is an outstanding site!
Scott Webb
Huge. Congrats to you guys! Notifications is kind of crazy!
Jamie Street
I think Unsplash might just be my favourite website. Loving the recent updates :)
Franz Junge
Who doesn't love unsplash!
@franzjunge Photographers that DO make (or try to) make a living from their work. I bet you wouldn't work for free. Why people expect photographers to do exactly that, then?
Anton Sten

There's no service that has saved me more time and money in my work than Unsplash. I wish all contributors happy things - all the time.


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