Mikael Cho

Unsplash Wallpapers for Mac (Official) - Curated, HD desktop background photos from Unsplash.

Unsplash Wallpapers for Mac is a simple, free app designed to bring curated, HD photos to your desktop background while celebrating the photographers who provide freely usable photography on Unsplash.

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Pascal Claisse
I directly replaced Wallcat with it. Good minimalistic UI and big selection of Wallpaper. Will there be a feature to select the displays, so im able to choose wich wallpaper i want to use for different displays?
Luke Chesser
@dubstrike @pnkxx great suggestion. multi display support is something we'd love to do, but from my understanding currently, there may be some complications with doing it well and having it supported on the Mac App Store. We'll need to do some research on it but we have it noted in our future features :)
Mikael Cho
Hey everyone! I’m Mikael, one of the co-founders of Unsplash. This is our first Mac app. We wanted to bring the beautiful, high-resolution photography from Unsplash contributors to your desktop background screen. There's quite a few desktop wallpaper apps out there but our focus was on making one that's minimalistic while creating a new channel to share the awe-inspiring photography and photographers who have given on Unsplash. The photographers behind every photo you see in this app have gifted their photography on Unsplash to be used for anything in service of moving creativity forward. You can download any photo you see through Unsplash Wallpapers and use it for free. Our main aim for making this app is to celebrate this contribution Unsplash photographers have made by pushing the impact of their photography as far as we can. The app is relatively basic in features right now. Eventually, you’ll be able to feed your own existing Unsplash collections (https://unsplash.com/collections) of favorite Unsplash photos through the app. If you give our app a whirl, we’d love to hear what you think. We'll be around today to answer any questions!
Rodolfo Rosini
@mikaelcho Thank you so much for doing this. The macOS wallpaper market was shockingly underservered and very happy that you guys are trying to build value there. Wish you the best.
Mikael Cho
@rodolfor I agree! And thank you Rodolfo. I appreciate the kind works.
Alamo aka 狐狸
@mikaelcho can it change wallpaper photos automatically?
Pallav Agarwal
@mikaelcho hi, are they 4k?
Ognjen Vukovic
@mikaelcho Hey Mikael! This looks really good. I will give it a try for sure. :) Be sure to check out our tool , it will be very interesting to you. https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
Arleys Resco

I have 3 monitors, and 6 spaces in each. It will be great to get a wallpaper in each space.


Amazing photos, simple to use.


It needs Multi Display and Spaces support.

Joshua Pinter
Wait, you still use spaces somehow? Or is this the watered-down version of "Desktops" in the latest macOSes?
Chris Herbert
Hmm, where is the Windows version?
Luke Chesser
@hrbrt we'd love to do a windows version too. You'll also notice that we don't have an iOS version yet either. Both are things we want to do and will :)
Cris Firmo
@hrbrt Hi Chris, there is a app for Windows (not official, I think) that you can even filter categories
Tomas Williams
Can we get smaller refresh times, like hourly or even every 30 minutes?
Kirill Zakharov
@tomaswilliamsa Good suggestion Tomas! We've played around with the idea but wanted to hear the initial feedback first before implementing a shorter refresh rate.
Charles Magnuson
Hey Unsplash, I am severely underwhelmed by this application. If this were a beta version, I'd say you're on the right track to eventually building a good app. However, as it stands Unsplash Wallpapers is so thinly featured that I don't find it usable, which is unfortunate because I really don't like Irvue. Anyways, here is a list of the missing features which make this application unusable: - Multi-monitor support - Auto-updating images at a customizable interval - Ability to use images from a specific collection - Ability to use images from different collections on different monitors - Ability to quickly like a photo - Ability to add specific photos or photographers to a blacklist - Ability to quickly switch between which Unsplash collection is being displayed on a monitor - Overall brightness of wallpaper automatically changes Mac menu bar between light and dark themes I look forward to seeing many more features included in version 2.0.
Binoy Xavier Joy
Finally, the official Unsplash app for Mac is here.
Mikael Cho
@binoyxj I know right?!
Steve Frost
Any chance for an option to hide the menu bar icon?
Luke Chesser
@steveeff hey steve. Interesting, never thought of that. How would you open the app if you needed to show it? Spotlight search I guess?
Kirill Zakharov
@steveeff In the meantime, perhaps something like Vanilla might help :) https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Jon Cuthbert

Also, there could more more options like a keyword search.


Simplistic app that's easy to use.


I had a different background for 5 Spaces and it set the same image to every Space. I'd prefer it just set the image to the active Space.

Archit Khode
Great beginning, but really need the option to select Collections. Until then Irvue is a superior alternative.
Enrique Benitez
Awesome! Keep creating amazing stuff guys ✨
Mikael Cho
@bntzio Thanks a lot Enrique! We'll never stop typing!

Incredibly, yet awesomely, simple.




It's perfect!

Juan Buis
Perfect — just what my desktop needed.
Sam Goudie
This is a good day. HD screens deserve Unsplash wallpapers 🙌
Diogo Ferreira
Just what I needed for my desktop background, thanks!
Leo Baecker
Awesome! Is there a downloadable .dmg? 👅
Olivier Collet
@leo_bqecker Mac App Store only for now, maybe we'll distribute ourselves in the future. May I ask you why you're looking for a .dmg?
Olivier Collet
@leo_bqecker Ok, that use case makes sense. Thanks for the feedback!
R. Colin Kennedy
Love Unsplash, love the idea, wish it didn't update the wallpaper for all my Mac Desktops / spaces to the same thing.
Luke Chesser
@rcolinkennedy ah damn yeah — looking into this. Can't promise there's anything we can do, but will definitely see whats possible given the public APIs
R. Colin Kennedy
@lukechesser Nice. I know a lot of us out there have a "work space" and a "personal space" for instance and putting different wallpapers on these makes for easy quick differentiation.
Igor Savelev
@rcolinkennedy @lukechesser This feature was in one of the first versions of Irvue, before it went to Mac App Store. It requires some tricks with AppleScript and continuous reading "com.apple.spaces". However, if your app is distributed through the Mac App Store, you don't have access to "com.apple.spaces" and you can't perform AppleScript easily.
Łukasz Nowacki
App is simple and minimalistic. Perfect!
Brian Kim
This is awesome! Congrats!
Rishi Mohan
Best thing about the app, it sets the wallpaper in all the spaces, nice work guys!