Milan Thakor

Unwind Me - Massage made simple (Homejoy/Uber for massage)


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Milan Thakor
Unwind Me is the most convenient way to receive high-quality, professional massage when and where you want, all for less than the average price of a day spa. Our lincensed and vetted massage therapists come straight to your home, office or hotel with everything needed for a spa-quality experience. Book today to relax, rejuvenate and deal with those nagging aches and pains. You can book for the same day or up to a week in advance, and we're open 7-days week. Today, we are offering $45 off your first massage exclusively to Product Hunters (50% off an individual massage!). Simply visit to claim your $45 credit.
Derek Shanahan
@milanthakor SF only? Asking for gifting reasons. :)
Milan Thakor
@dshan Hi Derek - yes, at the moment we are SF only! Other cities coming soon!
Brett Goldstein
Hey Milan, its been a while! This sounds like a great product. I'm definitely bullish on the potential of specialized services marketplaces but I'm wondering why you decided to go after massages (or the health spa industry in general) in particular Either way, I'm sold - ordering one for my gf now.
Milan Thakor
@thatguyBG Hey Brett - long time no talk! Glad to hear the support. To be honest, my co-founder and I stumbled into this being a "company" and something we'd truly dedicate ourselves to. We both got massages somewhat frequently, or at least wished to, and kept complaining about all the friction that existed in not only the booking and payment pieces of the industry, but the lack of clarity in the price vs quality mix. I personally got massage for wellness/health purposes to deal with chronic headaches and it never made sense how the prices could be so variable and insanely high irrespective of quality or training thresholds. We started looking at this market as consumers, for a problem we had, but pretty soon we learned all the huge issues massage therapists faced - spas taking 60-80% of a booking price and restricting therapist work schedules and practice styles. Solving major problems for our massage therapist partners made this too compelling a space to ignore and thus Unwind Me was born. We work with incredible, high-quality massage therapists and create an avenue for them to make 2-3x industry averages with the flexibility of being their own boss. All the while focusing on delivering customers a superior experience at an accessible price.