@rrhoover Out of the box, you can remote control UP1 for entertainment or telepresence as it's WiFi-enabled and can be accessed over the net. Autonomous use-cases could be feeding and playing with your pet every day if you weren't available. Or assisting a roomba to clear small objects off the floor. We spoke to one particular customer that wanted to use it to capture images of a stationary object from all angles.
@ryanmac@crunchex Color/blob recognition is fairly easy and manipulation can be done with clumps of regular-sized legos. That would be a fun project for a user to start off with!
Hi Team. Congratulations. Looks a great introduction to Robotics. Once the seed is sown the peoples creativity takes over !! Have a look at our Erle-Spider Robot, our first on Product Hunt. It looks like our tech could help you with your Spider legs concept. When we were in Japan we heard many times that consumers like smart but "cute" robots. UP1 looks a great fit for that market.
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