Matt Delac

3D Up by UpLabs - The best of 3D, AR and VR every day.

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Matt Delac
Hi everyone, I’m the founder of UpLabs and today I'm super excited to unveil a new chapter within our community of designers and developers - 3D Up, a new showcase dedicated to 3D, VR & AR resources, daily! The UpLabs community already curates every day the best resources for Android, iOS and the Web, and we want to add 3D to complete your experience. We support most exciting 3D/AR/VR platforms such SketchFab, Google Blocks, Autodesk, Clara, PlayCanvas and many others but you can also share and discover content from YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Twitter, etc. From today on, UpLabs offers 4 showcases: - 3DUp for 3D, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Design - Material Up for Android Material Design - iOS Up for iOS/Mac - Site Up for Web design The UpLabs community has already curated over 100k+ high quality resources and our platform offers 100+ integrations that allow anyone to showcase content from popular networks like Dribbble, Behance, GitHub but also prototypes from CodePen, FramerJS, InVision and actual live apps and sites. Please let me know what you think.
UpLabs have been doing a great job with mobile UI showcase. 3D is the next dimension (excuse the pun). Congratulations.
Jonathan Alpay
Since MaterialUp (and UpLabs), thanks to Matt Aussaguel and his team, I discovered and found many great ressources that inspire me everyday. I tried 3D Up and it will be probably one more website to watch everyday ! 👌
Darshan Gajara
Glad to see you being the early participant in the many to come 3D showcases.
Love it!
Khaled Nobani
Great resources for inspirations.
Abhilash Jain
great source for inspiration.
Daylen Sawchuk
Looking forward for Remix 3D support @mattaussaguel! I already talked to Alexey about it.
Utku Genel
i tried to login with google and cancelled it. why you ask permission to access my contacts?