We just launched a major release of Urban Engines Maps on both iOS and Android. In addition to transit routing, now it support driving, biking and mixed-mode travels.
- Travel your way. Get the most comprehensive travel options for any occasion, whether it's single-mode (driving, transit, biking) or mixed-mode (car + rail + walking, bike + train). Uber integration where available.
- complete offline experience: maps, search, routing (single- and mixed-mode results)
- Improved X-ray Augmented Reality. Tap stops to view real-time bus/train arrivals.
- Supporting 50+ cities in the U.S. and Canada
Urban Engines is pretty awesome. I've been using it for a couple of months now. Is it able to automatically detect if i'm in a car, rail, walking, on a bike? Using geo information and maybe the gyro, accelerometer?
@digiru we don't auto detect yet. It's an interesting idea. Currently, you can set your travel preferences (car, bike, transit) easily in the app. For me, I have car + transit turned on. Within transit, i only enable BART, Caltrain, and muni lightrail, no cablecar, AC transit bus or VTA bus.
Great product. Would be great if there was a hiking mode, but that might be out of scope :) Just thinking it would be cool to combine X-Ray w/ landmarks and vista points on the trail
Urban Engines Map App
How Old? for mobile
Urban Engines Map App
Process Street
Urban Engines Map App
How Old? for mobile