Paul Boag

Finding Clients Video Course - Grow your freelance / agency business through improved sales


End your worries around finding new clients
Build a marketing strategy that will generate leads without getting in the way of your paid projects.
- 30 lessons.
- 5 hours of valuable insights
- Money-back guarantee.
- Engaging and practical lessons.

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Paul Boag
Hey all. So I have been running my agency and freelancing for over 18 years. Today I mainly coach others on how to do the same. One of the significant gaps in people's knowledge is in sales and marketing. Too many freelancers and agency owners rely on word of mouth recommendation, which is great until the work dries up. Then they are left with no way of generating new work. Most of the advice around this area presumes you have lots of time to marketing your services which if you are a small agency or freelancer is just not right. That is why I created this course. I wanted to show people how they could promote their business without taking time away from project work. If you want to know more about my motivation and why I think most of the advice out there is poor, check out this post...