Terry Godier

User Insights - Get real user feedback on, well, anything.

User Insights is a platform for getting real user feedback on, well, anything. Have our testers evaluate your landing page, checkout flow, product onboarding sequence, competitors, product descriptions... you get the idea. You get 5+ minute videos with narration, context, and actionable feedback within hours, not days.

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Terry Godier
Hey Producthunters, I’m one of the founders of this thing. I’ve launched a ton of things and failed at most of them. I built this for myself and people like me. People who want actionable ideas in hours, not days. Remote user testing isn't new. Not by a long shot. There are large, entrenched companies serving massive clients up on the biggest hill on the biggest side of town. So we didn't build a remote user feedback service. We didn't even niche down and build a remote usability / UX testing service (though we probably could have). We built a platform for insights on any facet of your business. Remote user sessions are for big companies. The type of companies that do survey groups and massive multi-million dollar replatforming projects. What we sat down to do is build a service for the rest of us. People without a PH.D in survey analysis or psychographic segmentation, but with a website, a vision and a whole lot of grit. We set out to build something that can help you create more user friendly websites. We believe in user centric products. Over our careers, the best converting products have been those that most closely align with their users goals. If you've never done something like this, I recommend picking up a 5 pack. If you're used to traditional marketing modalities, you're probably thinking you need hundreds, maybe thousands of these. I am pretty confident that 5 videos can find about 80-90% of your core issues and give you a nice, heaping stack of things to look at a little closer. Protip: I particularly like the landing page test or the competitor analysis test for first time users.
Satya  Ganni
@terrygseo congrats on the launch, how do you guys fare against usertesting, other crowdsourced testing products, do you focus more on UX aspects?
Terry Godier
@gannisk Thank you! Well, I'd say those services aren't even competitors really. They're fully robust remote user testing platforms. That's not what we do. We're built for specific use cases and specific types of feedback. I like to think of it like, if you currently use hotjar, crazyegg, clicktale etc, and seen the recordings - that is the what, and we offer the why. The other side of the story :)
Joe Sinkwitz
Terry is the man on this product; he's been manically coding it for a while and really did learn from previous missteps. From the design, the user activation flow, the emphasis on solving a very specific problem at scale...User Insights, in my clearly biased opinion, is a complete product. When he came to me, I of course wanted to help. He was my co-founder at Intellifluence after all. Thus, while listed as a maker, I'm far more a user and cheerleader. What sold me was my first user video pointing out an UX problem on our own pricing -> sign up page. Painful? Yes. Useful? Very. https://userinsights.com/share/w... Ouch, right? Short..sweet...and to the jugular. When that happened, I became as involved as he'd let me be because I could see that if I really needed the product, others might as well. He managed to leverage Intellifluence's community to kick start his own user community, then blew up further by pulling in a variety of UX experts from other sources as well, to the point where just about any use case can be quickly satisfied. We joke about it internally because we'll see a brand signup, create a job, and that job is picked up in seconds, with turnaround sometimes within a half hour. I've yet to see that anywhere else in the user testing space. There's an adage in software development which we all know: faster, better, or cheaper? With UserInsights though, with the user videos being so directed, turnaround times blowing away the competitors I've previously used, and the pricing being as margin thin as possible to keep both sides happy, this is a rare case of getting something that's faster, better, AND cheaper. Frankly, I'm just happy to be here and involved on this. If you do any sort of user videos, try out the 5 pack deal and see how much better this is.

User testing is really fun and can earn you a little extra money. I have been using a different company for years and I am happy to see User Insights is here to use as well.


Great way to get a few extra dollars by being a tester. It's also fun to see sites and products that you might not be familiar with.


If you're a tester there might be no tests on your dashboard for quite a while.

Frank Watson

well worth using


Solid product and great dev team


none whatsoever

Jonathan Yagel
This looks great! Do you have tester segmentation (by demographic or any other category)? The ability to get feedback from people who match our target user persona would be particularly valuable to us!
Terry Godier
@jwby Yep! So we're currently unlocking each step in the demographic process when we get enough testers that fill that bucket. So within a few weeks here we should have most everything unlocked. This is definitely the goal.
Hemant Jani
@terrygseo Congratulations on a wonderful product. We will like to try out for sure.