Ryan Hoover

User Inyerface - A painful illustration of bad UX


User Inyerface is a challenging exploration of user interactions and design patterns.
To play the game, simply fill in the form as fast and accurate as possible.

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I found a fix to this website. add a body { display: none }
Ghost Kitty
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Ethan Daya
Can you actually finish this πŸ˜‚
Tomer Shkolnik
@ethandaya Yes.. you can πŸ˜… (You will get a message: 00:04:05, YOU ARE AWESOME! A true interface legend)
Pedro J. MartΓ­nez
@ethandaya @84tomer How did you pull that off?! The captcha... that thing is just atrocious. I love it.
Ryan Hoover
This is a comically terrible example of poor UX to the extreme. I churned after the second screen. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­
Linus Ekenstam
@rrhoover - I got the urge to beat the system, wanted to get through as fast as possible. Managed to complete the thing in 4:15 - not to bad, some well designed onboardings take longer....
Ali Salah
Pascal Briod
This is really awesome !! I did it in 8 minutes !
Daniel Contreras

10/10, Would spend 6 more minutes wanting to kill myself with the UX


That was absolutely painful, as promissed.



Osamah Aldoaiss

This is my life and it's about time somebody did this


This hurt my soul


Nothing, it is a needed thing lol

Hazel Song
What am I supposed to click??????????
Hazel Song
Lol........you need to click HERE (not even the cursor is changing into a hand shape).. you know what how I found this? I opened developer inspector hahahahha
bongo dev
I..... can't...........
Yan Ketelers

Very cool UI recruitment campaign!


It's hilarious!


Don't try this on mobile πŸ™ˆ

Guilherme Herzog
This is a great idea. I wish it was a bit worse. (Male and Female, could be their Symbols). I can see this going much worse than that. Nevertheless, I loved hating it.
Ihor Levenets πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

That was tough πŸ˜…


In the end they told me that I am awesome!


I think you should add the 3rd validation level, not sure if everything's secure

Nacho Iannella
Haha, so fun! I did it in 6 minutes
Robert Tolmach
This must have been designed by the Google UX team
i literally died
Alexandre Caulier
Terrible! 😭 I love it πŸ˜„
Harsh Kansagara
I gave up on 1st step! 😰
Rodolfo Marques
Oh my god, this was amazing! hahahah