Ondrej Dobias

User Onboarding Checklists by Usetiful - Complex user onboarding made simple

User Onboarding Checklists improve user onboarding and the rate of product adoption. Checklists are a scientifically proven way to have more users adopt your product successfully.
Users can explore at their own pace & style while having next actions clear.

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Ondrej Dobias
Hey there,   thank you for visiting our latest launch - the User Onboarding Checklists. Makers can use them to improve the user onboarding experience and double down on user adoption.   💖 User Onboarding Checklists 💖 tailor the onboarding experience into simple achievable pieces, making users more likely to act. Users can explore a product at their own pace while always having a clear next action in front of them.   Why onboarding checklists at all? 1️⃣ Users are more likely to act if they see their previous actions and what's there to finish (bias towards completion) 2️⃣ Users are more likely to act if they are rewarded by ticking off the boxes (bias towards reward) 3️⃣ Users are more likely to act if the next action is clear (bias towards clarity)   Why Usetiful? 🚶🏽 Product Tours - trigger interactive product tours directly from the Checklist 🗺️ User Guides - connect your existing guides and how to's 🍀 Flexible and simple to set up - it takes minutes to get the service up and running. No need to update your product, Usetiful is flexible to work even on single-page applications or with dynamic elements 🔒 Private & GDPR compliant - Usetiful is built on principles of zero-knowledge design. All our services are hosted on EU-based servers 🤖 No code - no coding is required to get things up and running   User Onboarding Checklist is *free* for anybody who tries it this week!
Stewart Barrett
@ondrej_dobias1 I'm certainly going to get our senior product managers across this - they will love it!
Ondrej Dobias
@stewup Thanks Stewart, really appreciated!
Sandra Toolan
i'm a fan re user adoption tech, enough so to take a punt with a discount code , unfortunately the code is not recognized. https://prntscr.com/1qichql
Ondrej Dobias
@sandra_toolan Hi Sandra, we appreciate that you're going to try Usetiful Plus! When I try the discount code, this is what I see in the checkout: https://prnt.sc/1qid5dv.
Ondrej Dobias
@sandra_toolan Maybe let's try to copy the discount code from here - "PHAUG2021"
Oras Al-Kubaisi
The product is looking great, I will give it a try soon to see how it can provide users with more info. I quite like the smart tips and customised product tours based on segments. One thing that wasn’t clear to me, do you have integrations to allow me to save the user state on my side to know if they have completed the on boarding or not before starting showing the contents? Also can I integrate my own forms? For instance, I would like my users to create company info, upload a logo before moving to the next step.
Ondrej Dobias
@orask Thank you for trying it out, Oras! Usetiful is an open platform - you can, for example, embed your own forms or even your own apps inside of the Usetiful content. As for saving the user state on your side, this is currently not supported. We feel that providing user profiles is an important milestone and it is a focus topic for us, however when doing so, we must not compromise on the privacy. If you'd like, share your email - we can plan a call to discuss your use case :)
Oras Al-Kubaisi
@ondrej_dobias1 Thank you for your answer. I don't think you need to compromise on user's privacy. You can work this out using a unique ID. I provide a unique id for each user, and may be you can have web hooks for updates ;) This will allow you to extend your platform to support Zapier and other automation platforms.
Michael Bogdanowicz
Very useful thing! Congratulate launch! 🚀
Ondrej Dobias
@mikhail_bogdanovich Thank you for your kind words!
Martin Rusyniak
Looks great! Keep up doing the great work you guys do :)
Ondrej Dobias
@ruso Thank you Martin, your kind words are appreciated! :)
Yahor Shchyhelski
Perfect for time management
Bogdan Ionita
Great activation add-on and stellar job from the useitful guys yet again. Congrats!
Ondrej Dobias
@bogdan_ionita Thank you Bogdan, really appreciated!
Michal Dobias
I am excited how the journey will continue.
Ondrej Dobias
@michal_dobias So are we! :)
Anshuman Milarki
This is REALLY helpful guys, I love it
Ondrej Dobias
@anshuman_milarki Thank you Anshuman! :)
Pearl Lizen
Ondrej Dobias
@pearllizen Thank you! :)
Yanina Gromova
Tom K.
So excited to see you on product hunt!
Ondrej Dobias
@tom_k_ Thank you Tome! :)
very insightful! thank you and congrats on your launch!
Ondrej Dobias
@roses_are_rosie Thank you for your kind words!
Nasif Siddiqui
I was really looking for something like this to incorporate in our WebApp. Great one! @ondrej_dobias1
Ondrej Dobias
@nasif_siddiqui thank you Nasif! Feel free to reach out if you need any support in incorporating Usetiful checklists!
Suganthan Asokan
Stellar job, Team Usetiful!
Ondrej Dobias
@suganthan_a your support is super appreciated, Suganthan! :)
Tomáš Max Janíček
I greet everyone. I am a developer and I will be happy for any observation or opinion.
Jan Alexandr Janíček
Hey Hunters, I am responsible for the user experience of Usetiful and really excited about presenting you with our new checklists today! My mission is to make sure that our digital adoption platform is simple, understandable, and easy to use. Your feedback and ideas are really appreciated! JJ
Michal Jurzykowski
Hey all, my name is Michal and I am responsible for the infrastructure and for the reporting. Your feedback is highly appreciated!
Gabrielle Bourret-Sicotte
Congrats on your successful launch yesterday - this could be so useful for us as Greenr requires a bit of onboarding - especially for all our carbon competitions! :) Greenr does climate calculations and is featured today - wanna check us out? 🌱