UX Storyboard is an online productized service to help designers and innovators tell better stories of the UX of their product/service through storyboarding.
Hi Product Hunters!
A bit of back story: I’m tired of myself talking about making products but never. It’s always been my dream to make products that serve the public good and create positive social impact. It’s my passion and purpose to create a personally meaningful body of work at the intersection of design, social/public issues and entrepreneurship. So I’m committing to make 1 minimum viable product per month, starting Feb 2018. I’ll keep going till I run out of ideas or money, or something takes off in a huge way that requires all my time, or exhaustion kicks in. Whichever comes first. #1mvp1month
For my 5th MVP, I’m launching a productized service called UX Storyboard that helps creative professionals tell better stories of their products and services through storyboarding and illustrations. Think Pixar animation sketches, but not for a movie but for scenes of how a product/service will be used. This is something I use all the time in my design consultancy work, hence you can say this is really scratching my own itch. This is also my first MVP that’s not exactly focused on the public good or social impact - gotta feed the family too ya know....
I wrote more about why and how I built UX Storyboard here:
@jasonleowsg, Your product is <3. Random thought if you have started with B2B sales :
a) Target B2B companies who have recently raised funding. Since they have recently raised money, they have money in their pockets. They will be willing to invest in a tool that helps them tell their audience more about their offering.
b) Target B2B companies who are hiring for product manager. It gives the signal that these companies are willing to invest in a product hence hiring for product manager.
Looks very cool. Would be great if you could make the samples more obvious. Also, the leap from $199 to $1999 for colour doesn't make sense to me #justsaying, I think "why a 10x multiplier for colour?". You could explain that on the site?
@tobinharris cool thanks for pointing that out. Will make the samples clearer. The 10x multiplier is a combination of the extra time needed by the illustrator to color+shade the frames, and also the higher likelihood of more revisions (because with color, there's usually more to comment on by the customer). Hope that clarifies? I'll explain it on the site - great feedback thanks.
@loukmannacik haha yes I use powerpoint for my other work but not for UX Storyboard illustration service. For this I have illustrators whom I partner with to deliver on quality, worry not!😊
Hi @jasonleowsg!
Thanks for building the service! I am interested in quick and intuitive ways to onboard the user, as it is always a win-win.
Visited your website and have a couple of thoughts to share.
1) You have just too much text on your landing page. I bet 90% of the users skip it and scroll down to the pricing.
2) Pricing is done okay, but I didn't notice the "samle work" link at first, while I was looking for the examples. How about to place it as the first line in every plan?
Your product can speak for itself, so why hide it/make the example difficult to find?
I expected to see the samples on you landing already when just clicked to your website.
2.5) You position yourself as the UX service, but what I saw from the examples, were just the illustrations. Would be great to see the sketches for the actual onboarding (even fictional) to get the idea of how it can work for my product.
I understand this is an MVP and everything, just my 2 cents.
I wish you the best luck!
@kyrylo thanks for the feedback. Appreciate the effort. 😊 Will look into 1) and 2) for sure - good points. For 2.5), will add a full storyboard soon to make it obvious how a storyboard works for products and/or services. It's not just for onboarding actually - maybe I have to explain it better!😅
@joe_oracoy thanks for highlighting that to everyone. Perhaps I should highlight that too on my site, so that people don't get the wrong idea. I show samples of the work that they will get as paying customers, but the link might not be obvious so highlighting the unDraw illustrations as not done by me will be good.
@joe_oracoy yep it's from undraw. It's an awesome resource. Noticed lots of new products on PH already using it too. I wrote more about why and how I used undraw here: https://jasonleow.sg/621/creatin...
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