Teodorik Mensl

NTMY The Show - 1: Pieter Levels - The inaugural episode of Tobias van Schneider's new podcast


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Ryan Hoover
Two things: 1) Your beard is beyond amazing, @schneidertobias. 2) Awesome first guest. What I love about @levelsio is his hunger to create and strong opinions. I haven't listened to the podcast yet but looking forward to listening at the gym tonight. ๐Ÿ‘
Tobias van Schneider
Hello everyone and thanks @teodorik for putting this up here. NTMY is a new show, or some would like to call it a podcast. NTMY stands for Nice To Meet You, as of nice to meet you as a listener, or whoever I have as a guest. I uploaded an intro that can be found on http://www.vanschneider.com/show which explains what this show is all about. My intention is try to something new and avoid making this a design/development heavy podcast. It is after all a big experiment, but that's what I love about it. For my first Episode, I had the chance to talk to @levelsio which you can listen to above. I've always been a fan of Pieters work and while we wouldn't meet up in person, we made it happen via Skype. Not so easy to date a digital nomad I guess ;) Feedback is welcome, and if you want to see someone on the show, this is the time to let me know. Stay awesome Tobias
Julian Lehr
@schneidertobias I really enjoyed that first episode! Can we get a sneak peek on the list of upcoming guests? ๐Ÿ˜
Imrat Jn
great first episode and despite travelling the world @levelsio has not lost his dutch directness and tells it like it is. If you dont like strong opinions - dont listen.....well actually you should listen and just grow up in that case. Two highlights for me were the section about the panic attacks and the discussion on VC funding "bullshit". Ps. full transcript is here -> https://levels.io/tobias-van-sch... "I think we need to look at the data to see that the startup narrative is bullshit for most of these ideas. "
Alex Carter
This is amazing! I really enjoy following Tobias on Twitter, his newsletter, and I've enjoyed the few podcast episodes I've heard with him before (eg https://www.producthunt.com/podc...). I know some apps use iTunes as the primary catalog to grab shows from and don't let users enter RSS Feed urls (design judgement call on what should be part of the podcast app UX), so I personally hope Tobias adds this to iTunes! =)
Dennis Passway
I've got this in my mail but forgot about it. Tuning in now!
Matti Heubner
Really enjoyed the first episode and just saw the second is already up! Will listening to it right now! :)
Olivier Alcouffe
cool talk
i find the last bit of this talk particularly interesting. one of the reasons i chose to become a nomadic expat (before nomadlist ) was having to answer this type questions to myself: "where would i feel comfortable paying taxes as a grownup and what are my limitations? what kind of society do i want to promote and contribute to? what resonates with me personally the most and would be right to start an ethically-good business?". soon enough "world citizen" won't be a scifi or figurative term - i hope, that's basically what digital nomads are culturally building, fuelled by the internet and mindsets like @levelsio 's (or really just thinking for yourself instead of fitting into obsolete narratives - startups is just one of them). governments need to catch up haha.
Very interesting thoughts about where does a nomad guy should pay his taxes : @levelsio is talking about the idea of 50/50 (native country / expat country). This would be amazing ! But there is a lot of effort from governments all over the world in order to get there ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒŽ