Josh Pigford

Vectary - Free, browser-based 3D modeling tool and sharing platform

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Michal Koor
Thank you for the hunt, Josh Pigford, we appreciate it! We’ve just gone public after six months of closed beta, so I’m really happy to say that all you need to do now to start creating 3D models is open a browser and set up a free VECTARY account. VECTARY is not just a 3D modeling tool, but also a community platform where you can create, share and customize 3D models online. We focused a lot during development on shortening and easing up the learning curve for those who are modeling in VECTARY for the first time. We’ve added interactive help, step-by-step tutorials and a Learn 3D user guide to help you quickly get into it. We’ve also developed parametric plugins such as Joints & Wires or Wheels, so you can draw complex shapes more easily. Give it a try and let me know how it went for you, I’ll be glad to answer any questions you might have. We’re always open to feedback! :)
Josh Pigford
One of the coolest online design tools I've come across. There's a plethora of 3D modeling tools, most of which are just downright terrible and clunky, but Vectary is amazing. Also has OBJ and STL output so you can send your creations straight to a 3D printer!