Volkan Kaya

Blog by Versoly - Lightning fast, SEO optimised SaaS blogs that convert


Versoly allows you to build well designed SaaS landing pages, websites and blogs.
All websites come with HTTPS, SEO, forms and much more.

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Volkan Kaya
From the start of Versoly we knew we wanted a world class blogging CMS, but the bar was high. After launching Versoly and listening to our customers the blogging CMS was next on the roadmap. The blogging CMS includes a ton of cool features, but we will focus on the key ones for making your life better: Built to Convert (SEO, Performance and Emails) The purpose of a B2B blog is to convert visitors to paid customers. That is the number 1 goal of the Versoly blogging CMS. The blog scores 98/100 for page speed making it one of the fastest blogging CMS on the market. For page speed nerds we also cache the CSS and JS for the marketing site and blog so switching from blog to the marketing site is instant. The blog is 100% static and hosted on AWS (Amazon Web Services) so it is lighting fast, secure and backed up. The blog allows you to collect emails easily with email forms on the side and at the bottom of posts. We also have a zapier integration so you can connect it to your email provider. Medium Style Editor Writing content should be as effortless as possible. Writers enjoy using the medium style editor over other styles as it is quick and easy to make edits. You can style text, import new and existing images easily and we have many custom elements and plan on adding a lot more. Constant updates By using the Versoly platform you get free updates for your blog, we will monitor and update blog page speeds, SEO settings and design changes to make sure your blog is built to convert. Any feature that the website builder gets in the future you will also be able to use inside the blog such as popups, analytics and global blocks. Future We are competing against giants such as Wordpress however we’re confident we can build the best solution and offer amazing customer service. As such we’re constantly making Versoly better and we take onboard all feedback and love building features that customers need quickly. Popups (on exit, on click and many more options) Analytics Global Blocks (share blocks between pages and blogs) Public Blocks (Blocks from the community) AB testing Want to follow the journey? Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/volkandkaya Company Twitter: https://twitter.com/versoly P.S. We went and found the biggest SaaS blog with 500+ blog posts and tested it out. We complied and uploaded the blog in under 0.3 seconds.
Navin Kumar
I have been following you guys, the product is only getting better and better. You are building a beauty there
Volkan Kaya
@navin_hiremath Thanks so much!
Nicolas Jacques
I just discovered Versoly blogging platform, I think apart from Ghost there's too few options to create a simple and cool blog, and I really like the focus on the Saas needs. Great tool!
Volkan Kaya
@make_the_web_cool_again Thanks! Ghost is amazing, learnt a lot from testing out their product. Problem is you need it on a subdomain or some custom DNS settings. We wanted to make it simple for SaaS companies to start blogging and actually converting them visitors to paid customers.
Ertugrul Cavusoglu
@volkandkaya is back again with yet another excellent product for founders! Intuitive blog publishing was one of the main reasons why I switched to Versoly for my venture. Easy-to-use (Honestly, all you need is to enter your blog and publish them), fast, and it will convert!
Volkan Kaya
@ertugrul_cavusoglu Thanks, customers were asking for a long time and not having a blog was the only reason people wouldn't swap from Wordpress and other builders :)
James Kenny
Congrats on the launch! Have been following along, it's great to see all that hard work done and get out there.
Volkan Kaya
@jamesmkenny Thanks, that means a lot. I have tried working in public as much as possible. It hasn't been an easy road but hopefully it will make a good story.
Harry Dry
Love this - congrats on the launch!
Volkan Kaya
@harrydry Thanks Harry :) Your work is a big inspiration and has helped a lot.
Daniel Kempe
Anyway to import existing wordpress posts?
Volkan Kaya
@danielkempe We have an internal tool to import WP posts. We imported 500+ pages from a large SaaS company and complied them in under 0.3 seconds :) Let us know if you like the builder and blogging CMS and I can do a custom import and show you the results.
Daniel Kempe
@volkandkaya Where are the blog templates?
Chris Drit
@volkandkaya this looks fantastic, nice job!
Volkan Kaya
@chrisdrit Thanks! We have been working on this a long time all coming together now.
Hans Dekker
First the landing page builder, then saaspages, now this. You guys rock!
Volkan Kaya
@hans_dekker Thanks for following the journey, this is only the start :)
Noah Green
Congrats dude, very excited to go check this out!
Volkan Kaya
@mrgolders Thanks, let me know how it goes :)
Borja Soler
Congrats! Great product alternative to wordpress, seems really usefu!
Volkan Kaya
@solerbor Thank you! That is the goal.
Kaloyan Dobrev
CMS build on speed. Congrats for the product. Is it responsive design by default ? And what about AMP pages, how to you compare to them ?
Volkan Kaya
@kokiweb Fully responsive and our websites and blogs are very fast. I will look into AMP in more detail and see if it has any benefits for our customers.
It's looking great Volkan!
Mert Aktas
Looks like a great alternative to Wordpress at last, specifically for SaaS blogs. Well done, @volkandkaya!
Volkan Kaya
@mert_aktas Thanks, that's the goal :)
Yoofi Annan
Cool product
Volkan Kaya
@yoofi_annan Thanks :)
Csaba Kissi
Looks good. Any plan for more templates in the future?
Volkan Kaya
@csaba_kissi Thanks! We're looking at different templates but haven't found any that would convert as well as the current one. If you have any examples with CTAs in, I would love to see them.
Hammad Akbar
Great Tool. Looking foward to using it.
Volkan Kaya
@hammad_akbar Thanks! Let me know how it goes, i'm always on the live chat.
Felipe Otálora
Congrats on the launch! I think the most powerful feature is the SEO ratings behind building the blogs.
Volkan Kaya
@felipe_otalora Thanks! SEO is so important in B2B, no point writing content that doesn't get visited.
Laura Martínez
Looks interesting. Do you have any new features or plugins in the pipeline? Congrats on the launch! 💪
Volkan Kaya
@laura_martinezo Always, anything you would like in particular?
Tom Medema
Thanks for this, I'll be recommending it to marketing :) Noticed a small typo on your landing page btw (see https://app.usebubbles.com/a3b01...) --- also, would be cool to see more content on your blog, such as "how to start a saas blog".
Volkan Kaya
@tom4 Thanks, we have been working on features over marketing, that should change now we have a great blogging CMS :) Good blog post title, might borrow it. Also fixed the spelling mistake.