Arjun R Pillai

Vibe API - Find Person Info from an email as a simple API


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Arjun R Pillai
I'm Founder of Vibe API. FullContact is one you can compare with. We are better at quality and pricing. :)
Mike Khristo
@rarjunpillai how can i get access?
Nick O'Neill
I use Full Contact API for this and it's cheaper. Here's a link to the producthunt post:
Kenneth Cohen
I built a simple site with the Full Contact API for exactly this. Basically just search an email, get a list of social profile links for that person. cc @rrhoover @nikitakorotaev
Nikita Korotaev
Thumbs up to products like this! Can somebody suggest other APIs to get people data for me to compare?
Dave Ambrose
Here was an older hunt for Vibe's Chrome App:
Arjun R Pillai
Thanks @daveambrose. We got 'accidentally' launched when you posted it here. The journet is going amazingly well. Thanks to you for 'forcing' us to launch. -
Dave Ambrose
@rarjunpillai I remember that post. :)
★ Karan Goel ☂
@arjunram an aside: trying to visit your site from your Twitter shows me this:
Arjun R Pillai
@karangoel didn't quite understand that. From my twitter profile? or some link here on the post?
★ Karan Goel ☂
@rarjunpillai link in your Twitter bio.
Derek Skaletsky
Hmmm...I've been a full contact user, so excited to give this a try...
Arjun R Pillai
Thanks @dskaletsky . Waiting for feedback. Reach out directly incase of any queries.
Arjun R Pillai
@karangoel I tried and its working fine for me.
★ Karan Goel ☂
@rarjunpillai try in incognito maybe?
Ryan Hoover
I really like what StackLead has done. They offer an API and other non-tech solutions anyone can setup to surface user information via Google Spreadsheets or email notifications. It's a bit pricier than Vibe though. cc @gwintrob
Gordon Wintrob
Thanks for the shoutout, Ryan. Vibe looks pretty cool. This could just be a coincidence, but I did a test with my email address and the "likelihood" is the same as the FullContact API.
Desi Saran
Rapportive and Connect 6 is great
Frank Fumarola
Also, check out:
Arjun R Pillai
Just to give a perspective on pricing - we charge .0038 USD per email, which is best in the space now.
Arjun R Pillai
Also, Vibe API is just launched. We are further building the technology to give more detailed data, more dimensions of data and deeper insights on top of the data.